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Create a Sales Invoice


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Raising an Invoice from a Sales Order Tutorial Video

Sales Invoices

Create Sales Invoices

NEW Marking a Sales Invoice as Payments Received

Raising an Invoice from a Sales Order Tutorial Video

Sales Invoices

In Unleashed, all products and charges allocated to a Sales Order must be invoiced in order for the transaction to be completed. Sales Invoices generated for a Sales Order represent the revenue and monetary value the sale of your goods or services to provide clarity for your business's accounting. 

To help maintain accurate and affective processes and reports, Unleashed allows you to create multiple invoices per Sales Order (SO). This is ideal for users that manage the sales process regularly, requiring flexibility between shipping and invoicing your stock. Similarly, it is particularly useful when dealing with deposit payments or consignment stock. To utilise partial invoicing in your sales process, enable the Order Management setting in your account's company settings.

Points to note

  • Sales orders can be part-invoiced as many times as needed until the total order quantity and amount is completely invoiced.
  • The first part-invoice created for a Sales Order will use the order's reference number as it's invoice number, but will replace the SO's prefix with the invoice transaction's prefix (see Prefixes). Subsequent part-invoices created for the same Sales Order will have the same invoice number but with a numerical suffix to differentiate it from the previous e.g. “SI-0000001/1,” “SI-00000001/2”.
  • Charge Lines are not automatically included on partially generated invoices.
  • We recommend you do not allocate serial numbers to partial invoices. As partial invoices may only be invoicing a decimal portion of a product's sales order quantity, this conflicts with the unit's serial allocation and can lead to errors. 
    NOTE: Serial Numbers are not required for an invoice to be completed. 

Create a Sales Invoices

There are multiple ways to create an Invoice for a Sales Order in Unleashed, providing flexibility to support your business's needs and selling workflows. These methods have been further explained below:

Create an Invoice for the total Sales Order

To create an Invoice for the Sales Order that hasn't had an Invoice generated yet, or for the remaining Order Lines that haven't been included on an Invoice so far:

  1. Open the Sales Order's page and click on the "Order" drop down button in the top right corner of the page. 

  2. Select "Create Invoice". 

  3. The page will update to display the newly generated Parked Invoice, populated with all products and charges that are available to be invoiced from the Sales Order.

Create an Invoice for selected products on a Sales Order

In the instances where only certain products on a Sales Order are ready to be invoiced, use the Sales Order's checkbox and Action Cog functions to specify exactly what you need:

  1. From the Sales Order's page, go to the "Order Lines" tab.

  2. Use the checkbox displayed on each Order Line to select the product's due to be added to the new Invoice.
  3. Once all the appropriate Order Lines (products) have been selected, hover over the Action Cog icon above the check boxes and select "Invoice". 

  4. The page will update to display the newly generated Parked Invoice, populated with all selected products that are available to be invoiced from the Sales Order. 

If there are any Charges included on the Sales Order they will not automatically be included on a Sales Invoice generated in this way. However you can use the + icon available in the new Invoice (whilst in a Parked status) to manually include the charge after.

Create a Partial Invoice for a Sales Order

If your sales process includes a deposit or proportional upfront payment prior to dispatching any of the ordered goods, you can use the "Create Partial Invoice" function in a Sales Order to create an invoice based on a percentage of the order's total value. 

For example, if you had a Sales Order with a total of $1000.00, which requires an initial payment for 20% of the order, use the Create Partial Invoice function in the order's dropdown menu and Unleashed will create an invoice for $200.00 (20% of $1000.00), leaving $800.00 as a remaining value to be invoiced. If a second Partial Invoice is created for another 20%, the second invoice will be created with a value of $160.00, which is 20% of the order's remaining total (minus charge lines).

To create an invoice based on a proportion of the Sales Order's total, see the below:

  1. In a Sales Order, go to the "Order" drop-down menu in the top right-hand corner.

  2. Click "Create Partial Invoice".

  3. In the Create Partial Invoice pop-up window, enter a percentage value for the amount due to be invoiced from the Sales Order.

  4. Click Create Partial Invoice.

  5. A Parked Invoice will be created, including all products from the Sales Order, for the given percentage amount of their uninvoiced totals (excluding Charge Lines).

The partial invoicing system will calculate the most efficient/closest value it possibly can based on what products/quantities are being used. For example, if you had a Sales Order with hundreds of products, with various quantities, calculating exactly 30% of this becomes tricky, considering we only deal in units up to 2 decimal places. In the events where Unleashed rounds in this fashion, it will round down, so if it could not reach exactly 30%, instead it would reach 29.999*%. The idea is that you would never invoice more than what you were expecting.

Create an Invoice from a Sales Shipment

If your sales process requires an invoice per shipment of a Sales Order, create an Invoice specifically for the dispatch goods, either directly from the shipment's page or from the Sales Order's shipment tab. This generates an invoice that only includes the shipped goods (by default excludes Charge Lines).

NOTE: An invoice can be created from a shipment as any shipment status. 

  1. Open the Sales Order's Shipment page.

  2. In the top right corner of the shipment page, select Create Invoice.


  1. Go to the Sales Order's Shipment tab.

  2. Hover over the Shipment's Action Cog and select Create Invoice.

  3. A Parked Invoice will be created for the uninvoiced products and quantities included on the shipment (excluding Charge Lines). 

Create an Invoice from the View Sales Orders page

Use the View Sales Order's Action Cog function to create an Invoice for all invoice-able products and charges quickly and easily:

  1. From Unleashed's main menu, navigate to Sales, Orders and select "View Sales Orders".

  2. Filter the View Sales Orders page to locate a Sales Order needing to be invoiced. 

  3. Along the Sales Order's row in the View Sales Order page, hover over the Action Cog icon (by default displayed on the right) and select "Invoice". 

  4. The page will update to display the newly generated Parked Invoice, populated with all products and charges that are available to be invoiced from the Sales Order.

Create an Invoice by completing a Sales Order

You can also create and complete an Invoice by simply clicking the Complete button of the Sales Order. In order for the Sales Order to complete successfully it's Order Lines and Charges must be invoiced and shipped. To assist in streamlining that process when the ordered goods are ready to be invoices and shipped, Unleashed will automatically create and complete an Invoice for any outstanding products on a Sales Order when it's updated to a "Complete" status.

Please note, when completing a Sales Order, this would also dispatch a shipment for any outstanding Order Lines (decreasing your stock) whilst also creating and completing an invoice.

Marking a Sales Invoice as Payments Received

Use Unleashed's "Payments Received" feature to easily identify which or your Sales Invoices have received their payments and which remain outstanding. This will further help both you and your teams manage your sales processes accurately and efficiently!

Some key benefits to using the manually managed "Set Payments Received" are:

  • Indicate that a deposit, part or full payment has been received from your customer.
  • Communicate that a payment has been received to other Unleashed users in your company.
  • Streamline shipping processes where part or full payment is required upfront.

When a Sales Invoice has been flagged as "Payments Received", the Invoice, it's Sales Order and the View Invoices page will update to confirm this, allowing your teams to have full visibility of the invoice's progress.

NOTE: The "Payments Received" function is not currently integrated with any accounting platforms (e.g. Xero, Quickbooks or Access Financials) and must be manually applied. The "Payment Received" is a flag and does not change the status of the invoice.

Set Payments Received for Invoices

A Sales Invoice of any status (e.g. Parked or Completed) can be marked "Payments Received" at any time. Similarly, the "Payments Received" status can be removed at anytime too, providing your sales and accounting teams with full flexibility to accurately manage payments for your Invoices!

Sales Invoice(s) can be flagged (and unflagged) as "Payments Received" from:

  • The Invoice.
  • The Invoice tab in a Sales Order.
  • The View Invoices page.

Mark a Sales Invoice as Payment Received 

To set a Sales Invoice as "Payment Received" from the Invoice directly:

  1. Open the Sales Invoice and select the Invoice dropdown menu from the top right corner. 

  2. Select "Set as Payment Received".

  3. Once set, the Invoice will be stamped as "Payment Received". 

  4. The "Payment Received" column will be ticked in the View Invoices page and in the Sales Order's Invoices tab at the same time. 

To remove the "Payment Received" stamp from an Invoice, navigate to the "Invoice" dropdown menu again and select "Clear Payment Received". The Invoice will be updated and the tick icon will be removed for the Invoice in the Sales Order's Invoice tab and the View Invoices page. 

Mark an Invoices as Payments Received from it's Sales Order

  1. Open the Sales Order that's received a payment for it's Invoice and click on the "Invoice" tab. 

  2. Along the Invoice's row, hover over the Action Cog icon and select "Set Payment Received". 

  3. The Invoice will then be updated as "Payment Received" and the Invoice tab's "Payment Received" column in the Sales Order will update to show a tick icon.

To remove the "Payment Received" stamp from an Invoice via the Sales Order's Invoices tab, hover over the Action Cog icon and select "Set Payment Received" again. This Invoice tab will update to remove the tick icon under "Payment Received", the Invoice will be updated and the tick icon will also be removed for the View Invoices page. 

Mark Sales Invoices as "Payments Received" from the View Invoices page

If you've received payment for one or more Sales Invoices, you can mark them as "Payments Received" in bulk from the View Invoices page:

  1. From Unleashed's main menu, go to Sales, Orders and click on "View Invoices". 

  2. Filter the View Invoices page to display the appropriate Sales Invoices and use the checkboxes available to select the Invoices you've received payment for.

  3. Hover over the Action Cog icon above the checkbox column and select "Set Payments Received".

Alternatively, you can flag individual Invoices as "Payments Received" from the View Invoices page as below:

  1. From Unleashed's main menu, go to Sales, Orders and click on "View Invoices". 

  2. Filter the View Invoices page to locate an Invoice you've received payment for.

  3. Along the Invoice's row in the View Invoice page, hover over the Action Cog icon (by default displayed on the right) and select "Set Payments Received".

To review the "Payment Received" status of an Invoice from the View Invoices page:

  1. Click on the "Show Toolbar" tab and select "Hidden Columns". 

  2. Drag and drop the "Payments Received" header into the grid layout. 

  3. Any Sales Invoice that's been set as a "Payment Received" will show a tick icon, otherwise the column will show as blank. 

To remove the "Payment Received" stamp from an Invoice via the View Invoices page, either hover over the Action Cog icon on the Invoices row or select multiple Sales Invoices and hover over the header's Action Cog and select "Set Payment Received" again. This View Invoices page will update to remove the tick icon under "Payment Received", each Invoice will be updated and the tick icon will also be removed for the Invoices tab in their respective Sales Orders. 

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