How do I know if WooCommerce is successfully integrated?
FollowAfter integrating with WooCommerce using Unleashed's eCommerce Hub, you can check the following areas to confirm if the integration's active and successfully syncing.
Check the eCommerce Hub status labels
If the Woocommerce integration's active, a green "Active" label will be shown on the Woocommerce tile in the eCommerce Hub page. If the integration's not active, the status on the tile will show a grey "Inactive" label.
Review the Connection Log
If a Woocommerce Store's details have been entered and installed but the status shows as "Inactive", click into the Woocommerce tile from the eCommerce Hun and select the Connection Log tab. If the Connection Log does not populate any data we recommend uninstalling the Woocommerce integration and re-installing to re-instate the integration.
Fore more details, see I've entered incorrect store details, how do I correct them?
Error when installing
When initially installing the Woocommerce integration, if the error "Failed to create configuration" shows in a red banner on your Woocommerce page the integration has not been successfully integrated.
We recommend reviewing the Store URL details that have been entered and try installing again.