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Access Workspace FAQ's


How do I manage a user's two-factor authentication with Access Workspace?

If an employee has Two-factor authentication (2FA) set up and loses their backup codes, or can't get the authentication to work. Only a domain owner can remove the 2FA settings for the impacted Identity user.


How do I remove 2FA from an Access Workspace employee's account?

If the organisations domain has been verified:

  1. The domain owner needs to sign into
  2. Select My Account then click Two-Factor Authentication.
  3. Click Disable for someone else then enter the users email address.
  4. Click Save.

Note: You can add or remove owners from the same my account area.


What if I don't have the Disable for someone else option to remove a user's 2FA?

If you don't have access to the Disable for someone else option, then you need to follow a process in order for Access to perform the removal of 2FA from the Identity user on your behalf:

  1. Raise a new case online, including the following information:
    Employee Name
    Employee Email Address (as it appears in Access Workspace)
    The reason(s) for the request
  2. Download this form then provide it to the impacted employee user to fill in and send back to you.
  3. Submit the employee populated form to the director of your organisation to complete and sign.
    Note: The director of your organisation needs to review and action this form. We can't accept this from any non-director contact.
  4. The director needs to submit the form attached to an email to the Support Analyst and Information Security team which includes the following statement:
    "I confirm that I understand the associated risks related to disabling 2FA for the above individual and fully indemnify Access against any action or breach that may incur as a direct result."

Once our Information Security team confirm with support that 2FA removal for the user has been approved, support will file a request with our Workspace Development team to action the 2FA removal.


What happens in Access Workspace when I log out of Unleashed?

If you log out of Unleashed you will automatically be logged out of Access Workspace and any Access hosted Products you have too, and vice versa.

To logout of Unleashed, navigate to your name's dropdown in the top right corner of your Unleashed page and select "Log out". 

To logout of Access Workspace, navigate to your name's drop down in the top right corner of Access Workspace and select "Sign out".


Do the Access Workspace role permissions affect the User Role permissions enabled in Unleashed?

The Role Permissions allocated to a user within Unleashed directly are not affected by the permissions set for the same user in Access Workspace. 


If I add a user in Unleashed, does it auto-add the user to any other Access Workspace products?

Inviting a user to Unleashed will automatically create the user as a "Member" in your organisation's Access Workspace, but the user will not automatically be invited to the other Product accounts your organisation has. Access to each Product within the organization is managed independently.

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