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Where do component "Unit Costs" populate from for a BOM?


The value that populates in the "Unit Cost" field of a BOM or Assembly depends on the type of product the component is and whether it has any current Stock on Hand. 

Component Product Costs 

If a product that manages Stock on Hand (SOH) currently has units on hand, in any warehouse, it will have an Average Landed Cost (ALC). The ALC will therefore populate in the "Unit Cost" field when the component product's added to a BOM.

The ALC of a component product can be found be product's record, in the Sale tab. If the ALC doesn't appear to be showing the correct value, see How do I update my products Average Landed Cost?


If a component product that manages SOH currently has zero units on hand, in any warehouse, it's "Last Cost" will populate in the BOM's "Unit Cost" field. 

The "Last Cost" of a component product can be found be product's record, in the Sale tab. The Last Cost is generated by the latest Landed Cost or Assembly Cost that's been completed for the product, but can be updated by completing a Import Products CSV.

The ALC or Last Cost will populate in the BOM as follows:


Never Diminishing Component Product Costs

By default, when a Never Diminishing Product (NDP) is added as a component to a BOM it's Unit Cost is populated from the NDP's "Cost" field, which can be found in the product's "Sale" tab.


The "Unit Cost" populated in a BOM for an NDP component can be overwritten by clicking into the "Unit Cost" field and updated as required. The "Unit Cost" applied to the BOM directly will take precedence of the NDP's "Cost" in it's product record. 

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