Where can I find a list of all my Assembled Products?
FollowTo identify all the "Assembled Products" that exist in your inventory you can use any of the following pages in Unleashed:
A product does not require a Bill of Materials (BOM) to be considered an Assembled product in Unleashed. A product is identified as Assembled when the the "Assembled Product" setting in it's product record has been toggled on.
The "Assembled Product" setting can be found under Type in the product record's Details tab:
Find Assembled Products using the View Products page
To identify "Assembled Products" using the View Products page:
- From the main menu, go to Inventory, Products and select View Products.
- Above the grid layout, select Show Toolbar then Hidden Columns.
- Find the Is Assembled header in the Hidden Columns pop-up window, then drag and drop it into the View Products grid layout.
- Drop the Is Assembled header above the existing grid layout headers to group the listed products by whether they're assembled or not.
- Use the plus icon next to the group header "Is Assembled: True" and all products that are toggled on as an "Assembled Products" will be listed.
Find Assembled Products using the Reorder Report
To identify "Assembled Products" using the Reorder Report:
- From the main menu, go to Reports, Purchases and select Reorder Report.
- Use the Product Type filter to select "Assembled". You can also update the Order Warehouse filter to "Global" and Stock Level filter to "All" to ensure all Assembled products are populated.
- Click Run and all "Assembled Products" will be displayed.
Find Assembled Products using Import/Export Products
To identify "Assembled Products" using the Import/Export Products feature:
- From the main menu, go to Inventory, Products and select Import/Export Products.
- Click on the green "Export" dropdown button in the top right of the Import/Export page.
- Select "Products" from the Export dropdown and a all products from your inventory will be downloaded into a CSV file.
- In the CSV file, all products with "Assembled Products" toggled on will show a "Yes" value in the "IsAssembledProduct" column.