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How to check the export status of transactions


You have the ability to check if a transaction has exported successfully to Xero using the integration's Export Data or by checking the individual transaction's page in Unleashed. 

How to check if your transactions have exported successfully to Xero

Only transactions that have a completed (or receipted) status in Unleashed can attempt to be exported to Xero. Use the Export Data tab in Unleashed's Xero integration to review the Export Status of all your Unleashed transactions:

  1. From Unleashed's main menu, go to Integration, Integration Store and click on the Xero tile.
  2. Click on the Export Data tab.

  3. Use the Transaction Type tabs to display a set group of transactions at a time. The tabs available are:
    • Sales Invoices
    • Purchase Orders
    • Purchase Costs
    • Assembly Costs
    • Supplier Returns
    • Supplier Return Costs
    • Credit Notes
    • Customers
    • Suppliers
    • Journals - Use the drop down menu provided to further filter journals by:
      • Sales Journal
      • Credit Journal
      • Stock Adjustment Journal (IN)
      • Stock Adjustment Journal (OUT)
      • Supplier Return Journal
      • Recost Adjustment Journal
      • Dis/Assembly Journal

  4. Use the Date Range filter and Only Show Problem Exports check box to further filter the transactions that are populated. 

  5. The Export Status column will detail whether the status of each transaction:
    • Exported: The transaction has exported to Xero successfully
    • Export Failed: The transaction failed to export successfully, see the Connection Log for further details on why it didn't export successfully. 
    • Blank: If the Export Status field is blank the transaction has not attempted to export. 

Points to note

  • Only Purchase Orders, Purchase Costs, Recost Adjustment Journals and Sales Invoices will automatically populate Xero Totals and links to Xero (View column) in the Export Data tab. You will need to select Reconcile Transactions for each transaction type populate and updated view of your transaction's export status', Xero Total, Variance and Xero link. For more details, see Export Data: Reconcile Transactions.
  • Click on the Xero link in the View column to open the exported transaction in your Xero account. 
  • If a transaction has exported successfully, but the transaction has been deleted in Xero, the Export Status in Unleashed will show as "Exported" but there will be no active link to open the deleted Xero transaction from Unleashed.

How to check if an individual transaction has exported to Xero successfully

If a completed Sales Invoice or receipted/completed Purchase Order has exported to Xero successfully, a Xero logo will be displayed in transaction's page in Unleashed. Click on the Xero logo and you will be directed to the exported transaction in your Xero account.


Sales Invoices

For completed Sales Invoices, a Xero logo will be displayed under the Link column in the Invoice tab of the Sales Order if it has exported successfully:

Similarly, a Xero logo will also be displayed in the top right corner of the completed Sales Invoices' page, next to the View Order button, if it's exported successfully.


If no Xero logo is displayed for a completed Sales Invoice, the transactions has not exported to Xero. 


Purchase Orders

If a receipted or completed Purchase Order (PO) has successfully exported to Xero, a Xero logo will be displayed in the top right corner of the PO, next to the View Receipt button. 

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