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Why is there a difference between my Stock On Hand Enquiry in Unleashed and my Stock Balance sheet in Xero?


Discrepancies between the Stock on Hand Enquiry's Total Stock Value in Unleashed and your current Stock Balance in Xero can be caused by a number of different things:


  • Unleashed and Xero's total stock values didn't match during the initial setup (a variance from the start):
    Check the opening balances in Xero and compare it with your Stock on hand Enquiry in Unleashed, filtered for the date your Xero integration was made active.

  • Transactions were manually deleted in Xero after they've export from Unleashed:
    The Xero integration's is designed with a one-way transaction flow from Unleashed to Xero. This means that any changes made to transactions in Xero after they have exported will not sync back to Unleashed to align accordingly.
    Use the Xero integration's 'Export Data' tab and 'Reconcile Transactions' button to identify transactions with a total value variance as these are most likely caused by changed made to your transactions in Xero. For more details, see How to check for variances between Unleashed and Xero.
  • Journal entries have been manually added to Xero:
    Any journals manually created in Xero will not sync back to Unleashed and as such will cause a variance between both systems. The Export Data tab in Unleashed's Xero integration will not populate any manually made journals in Xero and as such they will need to be reviewed, removed or corrected in Xero directly to resolve any variance they've caused. 

  • Journal entries have been edited in Xero:
    If the dates have been edited in Xero's journals, after they've exported from Unleashed, this will change when the journal has affected your stock balance sheet. As edits to journals in Xero don't sync back to Unleashed the journal will no longer align with Unleashed's date and can cause a variance. Similarly, if edits are made to the values of your Xero journals exported, the difference will show as a variance with Unleashed. We recommend that you do not make any edits to the dates or values of journals in Xero unless absolutely necessary. For more details, see How to check for variances between Unleashed and Xero.
  • Journals have not been approved in Xero:
    Only approved journals in Xero will update Xero's Stock Balance sheet. Ensure all exported "Draft" journals from Unleashed have been approved when comparing stock balances between Unleashed and Xero. 

  • Journals have not successfully exported to Xero:
    Transactions that have failed to export to Xero will yet to have made a difference to Xero's stock balance sheet and can therefore be a cause for a variance. Review the integration's "View Failed Exports" banner and "Export Data" tab to identify, resolve and re-export any transactions that have failed to export successfully. For more details, see Xero Connection Log & Common Errors.

It's best practice to periodically review the Xero integration and check your balances match across Unleashed and Xero to ensure all data's exported and consistent for both platforms. Variances are easier to resolve when reviewed often. For more details, see How to reconcile Unleashed and Xero.

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