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Am I able to increase the storage capacity on my Unleashed account?


By default, all Unleashed accounts include 10GB worth of storage. Any images, files or documents uploaded to your account's File Library or attached to a specific transaction will count towards the usage of the 10GB storage limit. If you reach the initial 10GB limit and would like to upload further images or documents, without removing any existing uploads you can upgrade your subscription to increase the limit in further 10GB increments. 

To upgrade your subscription and add more storage to your account, your Account Owner will need to follow the below steps:

  1. From the main menu, go to Settings and select Billing.

  2.  In the Products section, select "Modify". 

  3. Scroll to the "Extra File Storage" section and use the text field or arrow buttons to increase the current limit. 

  4. Confirm the upgrade. 

Once the update your subscription plan has been confirmed the additional storage will be immediately available. 

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