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How to add additional User Licenses to my Unleashed account


Depending upon how many additional users you would like to add to your account, you can either add individual user licenses to your current subscription or upgrade your subscription's plan via your Unleashed account's Billing page. 

NOTE: You cannot remove additional user licenses or downgrade your subscription in the Billing page. For more details, see Account FAQs

Add user licenses to your Unleashed subscription

To add additional user licenses to your Unleashed subscription, follow the below steps:

  1. As the account owner, go to the main menu and select Settings and Billing.

  2. Click green Edit button for your current plan.

  3. Next page will display field to add extra users, type in number or click arrow up to increase number of users

Additional Information

The number displayed in the "Extra User" field is the number of additional user licenses currently available alongside your subscription's base user license number.  A field to the right of the screen will display updated charges per user added.


If you are having troubles with adding extra user licences to your current subscription, please do contact us by submitting a request via


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