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How to create a Never Diminishing Product


For products that do not hold physical stock and therefore do not require the management of any inventory, set it as a Never Diminishing type. The product will then allow you to setup default  descriptions, costs and sell prices for auto-population in future transactions, without impacting your stock on hand quantities or values. 

Create a new product as Never Diminishing 

  1. From the main menu, select the Inventory, Products and click on Add Product.

  2. Provide a Product Code and Description for the service or charge being added.

  3. In the Type section, under the Details tab, enable the Never Diminishing option by clicking on the toggle (to green).

  4. Click Save in the product record and the product will be saved without any requirement for inventory or stock on hand. 

For more details, see Never Diminishing Products


Additional Information:

If integrated with an accounting provider, Purchase Account and Expense Account drop down fields will become available in the Details tab.

  • The Purchase Account allocated will be updated when the Never Diminishing Product (NDP) is included on a completed Purchase Order. 
  • The Expense Account allocated will be updated when an NDP is included as a component on an Assembly or sold on a Sales Order.
  • If the NDP is included on a Bill of Materials (BOM), you can allocate an Expense Account for the specific BOM that will override the product's allocated Expense Account. 
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