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How to process a Credit Note


Create and complete Credit Notes to return sold stock or revenue to your inventory. For more details, see Add a Credit Note and Manage and View Credits.

To create a Credit Note from a specific Invoice, the Invoice must first be in a Complete status. The Credit Note can then be created from one of the following places in Unleashed:

  • From the main menu, in Sales, Credits, Add Credit.
  • From a Sales Order, via the Action Cog in the Invoices tab.

Create a Credit Note from the Add Credit page

  1. From the main menu, go to Sales, Credits and select Add Credit.

  2. Use the Sales Invoice Number field to find and select the completed Invoice.
  3. If a Credit Note already exists for the Invoice, a pop-up window will appear displaying the existing Credit Notes or the option to select Create New.
  4. A Parked Credit Note will be created, populated with the Customer's details and all invoiced lines from the selected Invoice.

Create a Credit Note from a Sales Order

  1. From a Sales Order, go to the Invoices tab.

  2. In the Invoices tab, hover over the Action Cog to the right of the completed Invoice you want to credit. 

  3. Select Credit.

  4. If a Credit Note already exists for the Invoice, a pop-up window will appear displaying the existing Credit Notes or the option to select Create New.

  5. A Parked Credit Note will be created, populated with the customer's details and all invoiced lines as the Credit Lines. 

Process and complete a Credit Note

Once the Credit Note has been created, follow the below steps to complete it:

  1. Open the Parked Credit Note.

  2. Update the Credit Lines to include only the products, quantities and prices to be credited. 
    • Use the bin icon to remove any products that will not be credited or returned. 
    • Edit the Credit Price field if the crediting unit price is less than the invoiced sell price.
    • If the Invoiced product has also been shipped, tick the Return checkbox to return the credit quantity to your inventory. 

  3. Select Complete.
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