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Why can't I make a product obsolete?


If a product isn't successfully saving as obsolete it is likely because at least one of the following statements is true:

  • The product currently has a Stock on Hand (SOH) quantity.
  • The product is included on an open transaction (e.g. Sales Order, Purchase Order, Stock Adjustment etc.).
  • The product has an active Bill of Materials (if enabled as an Assembled product).
  • The product is a component of an active Bill of Materials (if enabled as a Component product).

Before obsoleting a product, you will need to remove any existing stock on hand and ensure the product is not included on any active transactions or Bill of Materials (BOM) by checking the following:

  1. In the product record, go to the Production tab. If the product can be assembled and has an active BOM it will be highlighted with a hyperlink in a blue banner. Obsolete the BOM before attempting to obsolete the product. 

  2. In the product's Production tab, if the product is a component of an assembled product's BOM the BOM will be listed. Delete the product from the BOM's component list before attempting to obsolete the product. 

  3. In the product's References tab, any open transaction the product is currently included on will be shown with a link to the transaction. Either complete the transaction, delete the transaction or remove the product from the transaction before attempting to obsolete the product.

  4. In the product's Inventory tab review if there is currently any SOH remaining for the product. If there is any residual SOH in any Warehouse, use a Stock Adjustment to remove it before attempting to obsolete the product. For more details, see Add Stock Adjustments.

Once all of the above steps have been taken, you should be able to successfully obsolete the product by toggling on "Obsolete" in the product's Details tab and click "Save". 

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