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How to import a Stock Count CSV


When a Stock Count has been created in Unleashed and has the In Progress status, you can upload count quantities using a CSV template file to update the on-going Stock Count. 

Upload count quantities to an "In Progress" Stock Count

The following steps apply if a Stock Count has already been created in Unleashed and has been given a Stock Count Number. For details on how to create a new Stock Count, see Add a Stock Count.

Each import that is uploaded to an open Stock Count will be added to the In Progress Stock Count in Unleashed, meaning the count quantities will be added to and collated, not overwritten.

  1. From the main menu, select Inventory, Transactions and Stock Counts. 

  2. Select Import Count, in the top right corner of the Stock Counts page. 

  3. From the Import Stock Count page, select Download Stock Count Template File

  4. An empty Stock Count CSV file will be downloaded. Provide the following details for each product row to be added to your existing Stock Count:
    • *Stock Count Number: The reference number for the open Stock Count, e.g. ST1-00000060
    • *Product Code: The counted product's code.
    • *Count Quantity: The number of units counted for the product. 

  5. Upload the Stock Count CSV file to the Import Stock Count page. Monitor the upload's progress via the notifications task bar (three stacked horizontal lines icon) in the top right corner of your Unleashed page:
    • Orange circle: In progress
    • Red cross: Upload failed
    • Green tick: Upload successful

  6. When the import uploads successfully, the count quantities advised in the CSV file will be added to the In Progress Stock Count in Unleashed.

For more details on using Stock Counts, see Add a Stock Count.

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