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How to update stock on hand without changing the total stock value


Increase or decrease a product's stock on hand quantity without changing the product's total stock value by using a Stock Adjustment. 

NOTE: If a product's stock on hand quantity changes but the total stock value does not, this will cause the product's Average Landed Cost (ALC) to be re-calculated, as the per unit value will have changed.

Create a Stock Adjustment

  1. From the main menu, select Inventory, Transactions and select Stock Adjustments.

  2. In the top right corner, select Add Adjustment.

  3. Update the Warehouse, Reason and if integrated with an accounting provider the Account drop-down menu fields to align with the Stock Adjustment's specifications. 

  4. Search and select the product that will be adjusted in the Product field.

  5. In the Quantity field, enter the total quantity being adjusted for the product's stock on hand.
    • If increasing stock on hand, enter a positive figure e.g. 5
    • If decreasing stock on hand, enter a negative figure e.g. -5

  6. The Value field will auto-populate with a value calculated from the product's current ALC times the Quantity provided. Edit the Value field to 0 to stop the product's total value being adjusted by the change in quantity. 

  7. Select Add to save the adjustment quantity to the Parked transaction. 
    The Warehouse and Global Values in the Stock Adjustment will show the product's potential stock on hand and stock value figures if the adjustment were to be completed with the advised values.

  8. Click on Complete to apply the Stock Adjustment to the product, updating the product's stock on hand without adjusting it's total stock value. 

For more details on using Stock Adjustments, see Add Stock Adjustments.



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