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How to deallocate and allocate a Sales Order


Provide flexibility with your inventory's current stock availability by managing the product allocation for individual Sales Orders (SO). Regardless of whether Auto Allocation is enabled in your account's Company Settings, you can allocate and deallocate each individual Sales Order to manage the ordered product's stock availability. 

Each product's Available quantity in Unleashed is calculated as:

Available quantity = Stock on Hand (SOH) quantity - Allocated quantity

Deallocate a Sales Order

When a Sales Order is allocated, all product quantities on the order will be used to calculate their current availabilities. To deallocate the Sales Order and unreserve ordered stock, see the following steps:

  1. Open the Sales Order.

  2. In the top right corner of the Sales Order page, select Deallocate

  3. The Sales Order's status will remain unchanged, but the ordered product's availability will be updated.

If any products on order are set to auto-assemble and a Parked Assembly has already been created, when the SO is deallocated the Parked Assembly will be deleted. 

Allocate a Sales Order

When a Sales Order is deallocated, the ordered quantities are not included in the product's Allocated quantity count. Allocate the Sales Order to update the product's current Available quantity and create any required auto-assemblies for the ordered stock:

  1. Open the Sales Order.

  2. In the top right corner of the Sales Order page, select Allocate (green).

  3. The Sales Order's status will remain unchanged, but the ordered product's availability will be updated to included the ordered quantity. 

If the product on order is setup to auto-assemble and the order quantity is greater than it's current availability, allocating the Sales Order will create a Parked Assembly for the quantity required to fulfil the SO, based on it's availability at the time of allocation. A Parked Assembly's "Assembled Quantity" will not automatically update if the ordered product's availability changes after the Assembly has been created.

To easily update an ordered product's "Assembled Quantity", deallocate and allocate the SO to replace the Parked Assembly with an updated version. 

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