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How to generate a report for costings on Purchase Orders.


Use the Data Exporter or Purchase Enquiry to report on the additional costs that have been included on Purchase Orders (PO) in Unleashed.

Using the Data Exporter to report on the costs per Purchase Order

Use the Data Exporter to build a custom report for your PO's. The custom report enables you to decide which details you want to report on. The below steps detail how to include the Supplier details for PO's additional costs:

  1. From the main menu, go to Integration and select Data Exporter

  2. Click on Add Template.

  3. Provide a Template Name*, select Purchase Order in the Data Source* field and select the preferred Export Format* (CSV or TSV).

  4. In the Fields to be exported section, from the Available fields grid, Add the fields to be included on the custom report.
    To report on the added costs specifically, ensure to add fields from the "Purchase Order Costs" section e.g. Supplier, Costs, Cost Reference etc.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Navigate back to the Data Exporter page and select the newly created template.

  7. Apply any relevant filters to the report and select Export

  8.  A notification will appear in the task bar at the top of your Unleashed page to show the exported report has been generated. 

  9. Click on the notification in the task bar to download the report which will show the Supplier and Costs included on Purchase Orders added to Unleashed.  

For more details, see Data Exporter.

Using the Purchase Enquiry to report on costs per Purchase Order

Customize the Purchase Enquiry's grid layout to view how much value has been added per Purchase Order via Cost Lines on the PO and subsequently how that value has been distributed to the receipted stock. 

Follow the steps below to use the Purchase Enquiry to review costs added to Purchase Orders:

  1. From the main menu, select Reports, Purchase and select Purchase Enquiry.

  2. Use the filter fields available to refine the PO's that will be included on the report and click Run

  3. Click on Show Toolbar and select Hidden Columns.

  4. Drag and drop the Costing Total (base currency) header into the Purchase Enquiry's grid layout.
    • The Costing Total field will populate with the total additional costs added to each order line (product) of the PO.

  5. Drag and drop the Order No. column header into the grey space above the grid's header row.
    • All PO's displayed in the Purchase Enquiry will be grouped by the purchase's order reference number. The total costs added to the PO will be shown in the summary field per grouping. Click on the + icon to export each PO's grouping to review how the total cost has been distributed to the products on the order. 

For more details on customizing grid layouts, see How to create and share default grid layouts.


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