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How to attach Terms & Conditions to an email template.


Automate including your company's Terms & Conditions (T&C's)on any emails sent from Unleashed by attaching them as a default attachment on Unleashed's email templates. 

Upload a default T&C's document to Unleashed

  1. Create and save a document detailing your company's T&C's externally to Unleashed (e.g. PDF format). 

  2. From the main menu, go to Settings and select File Library

  3. Click on Upload Files, in the top right corner of the File Library page.

  4. A pop-up window will appear, from which you will find the T&C's document on your device to select it for upload. 

  5. The T&C's document will then be available to download from Unleashed and allocate to records, transactions or emails. 

NOTE: The file due to be attached to your email must first be uploaded to your account's File Library. For more details, see File Library.

Automatically include T&C's on emails sent from Unleashed

  1. From the main menu, go to Settings, Company and select the Email Templates tab in the Company page. 

  2. Select Attach File under the email template's Body field.

  3. If the T&C's have not been uploaded to your File Library, select Upload File.
    • A pop-up window will appear, from which you will find the T&C's document on your device and select it for upload. 

  4. If the T&C's have already been uploaded to your File Library, select Browse Uploaded Files.
    • A pop-up window will appear, from which you will find the uploaded T&C's document in Unleashed's File Library and select it to Attach. 

  5. Once uploaded or attached to the transaction's email template, the T&C's document will automatically be included as an attachment to any email generated from Unleashed for the transaction type. 

  6. Repeat steps 3 or 4 for each transaction listed in the Email Templates tab, to automatically include the T&C's documents, when required. 

NOTE: The file due to be attached to your email must first be uploaded to your account's File Library. 

For more details on managing Email Templates, see Company.

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