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Mintsoft WMS - Bin Transfers and Replenishment


Bin Transfers with Unleashed and Mintsoft WMS Video Tutorial

Prerequisite - Setting a Default Pick Location and Replen Points

Before transferring stock we advise Setting a Default Pick Location and Setting up Replenishment for your Products on Mintsoft WMS.

Performing a Bin Transfer

To perform a transfer of stock between Bin Locations, please do the following:

  1. Click Warehouse then Transfer Inventory
  2. Select the Product and the Warehouse you want to transfer from
  3. Click Select against the Location you want to transfer from
  4. Select the Destination Warehouse
  5. Choose the Destination Location and Quantity to transfer.
  6. If required, type a Comment.
  7. Finally, click Transfer

Replenishing Stock

If your Bin Location runs out of stock or goes below the Replen Point then a Replenishment will be generated. To carry out replenishment, please do the following:

  1. Click Warehouse then Replenishment
  2. Select the Warehouse then click Generate
  3. You will then see any items that require replenishment
  4. Enter the quantity you want to transfer to the Pick Location in the Replenished Quantity field
  5. Next, click Confirm
  6. This will now add stock from the Replen Location to the Pick Location

Note: Clicking Print will generate a PDF which can be given to Warehouse Staff to carry out the transfer.


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