Mintsoft WMS - Bin Transfers and Replenishment
FollowBin Transfers with Unleashed and Mintsoft WMS Video Tutorial
Prerequisite - Setting a Default Pick Location and Replen Points
Before transferring stock we advise Setting a Default Pick Location and Setting up Replenishment for your Products on Mintsoft WMS.
Performing a Bin Transfer
To perform a transfer of stock between Bin Locations, please do the following:
- Click Warehouse then Transfer Inventory
- Select the Product and the Warehouse you want to transfer from
- Click Select against the Location you want to transfer from
- Select the Destination Warehouse
- Choose the Destination Location and Quantity to transfer.
- If required, type a Comment.
- Finally, click Transfer
Replenishing Stock
If your Bin Location runs out of stock or goes below the Replen Point then a Replenishment will be generated. To carry out replenishment, please do the following:
- Click Warehouse then Replenishment
- Select the Warehouse then click Generate
- You will then see any items that require replenishment
- Enter the quantity you want to transfer to the Pick Location in the Replenished Quantity field
- Next, click Confirm
- This will now add stock from the Replen Location to the Pick Location
Note: Clicking Print will generate a PDF which can be given to Warehouse Staff to carry out the transfer.