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Mintsoft WMS - Warehouse Transfers


Warehouse Transfers with Unleashed and Mintsoft WMS Video Tutorial

Warehouse Transfers

To carry out a Warehouse Transfer within Mintsoft WMS, please do the following:

  1. Create a Warehouse Transfer in Unleashed and save as Parked
  2. This will sync through to Mintsoft within 15 minutes as two distinct jobs: an order to pick for the source warehouse (Coded as seen in Unleashed) and an ASN to receipt, assign and book into stock at the destination warehouse
    • Both are coded the same way as your Warehouse Transfer transaction name in Unleashed.
  3. Firstly, action the Pick Job in the Source Warehouse
  4. Make sure a Courier Service is assigned, then Pack and Despatch the order
    • It’s also possible to set up a new ‘empty’ courier service to provide a ‘dummy value’ (typically 0) in case a courier is not being employed for a transfer, For example, both warehouses are at the same physical location
  5. Now action the receipt, within Mintsoft click Warehouse then ASNs
  6. Find the ASN you want to receive
  7. Click Actions then Manage ASN
  8. Next, click Confirm ASN in the top left
    • This changes the status of the ASN to Awaiting Delivery
  9. Then click Receive
  10. Within the Receive Goods screen you can do one of the following:
    • Scan Items In: Scan the Product, add the Quantity then click Scan (repeat for all products)
    • Manually update: In the Items section at the bottom, add the quantity to Quantity Received, select Save from bulk actions then click Go
    • Mark All Items As Received: This marks all items as received and matches the Quantity Expected to the Quantity Received
    • Note: Saving stock figures or marking all items as received does not commit the ASN
  11. Once all items have been accounted for, click Assign Locations And Book In
  12. Within the Assign Location screen, you will see all received stock and be able to assign the location
    • Note: You can click Mark Awaiting Put-Away if you are not ready to book in the stock
  13. The stock for a product can be booked into one location or split out into several locations:
    • All Stock: Select the Location for the Product and keep the Assign switch ON
    • Splitting Stock: Change the Quantity, Select the Location and keep the Assign switch ON
    • Assign To Default Location: Clicking this will assign all stock to their Default Pick Location
  14. Next, click Assign and the page will refresh with the updated allocation
    • (Splitting Stock) Assign the Location for any remaining stock then click Assign again
  15. You will now see all stock has been allocated, next, click Book In ASN
  16. Click OK on the confirmation
  17. The ASN has now been booked in

If an error occurs this could be one of the following:

  • Line Quantities not matching between systems
  • Warehouse Code not mapping between systems
  • A Bin not being available.
    • Additionally, if lines are added past receipting goods and lines are marked as Awaiting Putaway, this can also cause an issue
  • Once booked in this change is pushed back to Unleashed with the order status as Receipted
  • This syncs back as a status Complete on the Warehouse Transfer in Unleashed in minutes.

When receipting a quantity under expected and assigning and booking in, the warehouse transfer expected quantity will be updated to the receipted quantity and automatically completed.


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