Mintsoft WMS - Purchase Order Receipting (full, partial and splitting)
FollowPurchase Orders with Unleashed and Mintsoft WMS Video Tutorial
Purchase Order receipting
Please be advised that the values and lines only sync once from Unleashed. After this, any changes made must be manually updated on Unleashed and Mintsoft. ASNs can only be processed if the line items and expected quantities match between systems. To receive a PO into Mintsoft, please do the following:
- Add a Purchase Order with cost lines in Unleashed
- Once you're happy with the order click Save | Parked to park the order
- When you move it to Placed it syncs to Mintsoft as an ASN (Advanced Shipping Note) that can be confirmed and receipted
- A sync runs every 15 minutes
- Initially, the ASN will import to Mintsoft in a NEW status
- Next, within Mintsoft click Warehouse then ASNs
- Find the ASN you want to receive
- Click Actions then Manage ASN
- Next, click Confirm ASN in the top left
- This changes the status of the ASN to Awaiting Delivery
- Then click Receive
- Within the Receive Goods screen you can do one of the following -
- Scan items in: Scan the Product, add the Quantity then click Scan (Repeat for all products)
- Manually update: In the Items section at the bottom, add the quantity to Quantity Received, select Save from bulk actions then click Go
- Mark All Items As Received: This marks all items as received and matches the Quantity Expected to the Quantity Received
- Note: Saving stock figures or marking all items as received does not commit the ASN
- Once all items have been accounted for, click Assign Locations And Book In
- Within the Assign Location screen, you will see all received stock and be able to assign the location
- Note: You can click Mark Awaiting Put-Away if you are not ready to book in the stock
- The stock for a product can be booked into one location or split out into several -
- All Stock: Select the Location for the Product and keep the Assign switch ON
- Splitting Stock: Change the Quantity, Select the Location and keep the Assign switch ON
- Assign To Default Location: Clicking this will assign all stock to their Default Pick Location
- Next, click Assign and the page will refresh with the updated allocation
- (Splitting Stock) Assign the Location for any remaining stock then click Assign again
- You will now see all stock has been allocated, next, click Book In ASN
- Click OK on the confirmation
- The ASN has now been booked in
- If an error occurs this could be due to one of the following:
- Line quantities not matching between systems
- Warehouse Code not mapping between systems
- A Bin not being available.
- Additionally, if lines are added past receipting goods and lines are marked as Awaiting Putaway, this can also cause an issue
- If an error occurs this could be due to one of the following:
- Once booked in this change is pushed back to Unleashed with the order status as Receipted
- The PO can then be Completed once the costs are final
Partial Booking and PO Splitting
Please be advised that for Mintsoft WMS, we only allow you to fully book in an ASN. Normally, if you are part-booking an ASN, the ASN is not completed yet and progress can be saved. The stock quantities you marked as receipted do not become available stock on hand until the ASN is completed and booked in full.
If a container is actioned over two days, the partially put-away items are not marked as available stock yet. This is because receipted items can be updated on a Placed PO but the items don’t come into stock until fully Receipted. This means the stock would adjust in through automated stock sync cycles in a way that can’t be traced or re-costed.
To part-process a PO and have stock available in the Warehouse without receipting the full PO, you need to only book in the stock you have received. This means you Receipt a quantity lower than the expected line quantities for the PO, or only select lines. To partially book in an ASN, please do the following -
- Within Mintsoft click Warehouse then ASNs
- Find the ASN you want to receive
- Click Actions, then Manage ASN
- Next, click Confirm ASN in the top left
- This changes the status of the ASN to Awaiting Delivery
- Then click Receive
- Within the Receive Goods screen use the Manually Update me
- Scan Items In: Scan the Product, add the Quantity then click Scan (repeat for all products)
- Manually update: In the Items section at the bottom, add the quantity to Quantity Received, select Save from bulk actions then click Go
- Once all current items have been accounted for, click Assign Locations And Book In
- Within the Assign Location screen, you will see all received stock and be able to assign the location
- The stock for a product can be booked into one location or split out into several:
- All Stock: Select the Location for the Product and keep the Assign switch ON
- Splitting Stock: Change the Quantity, Select the Location and keep the Assign switch ON
- Assign To Default Location: Clicking this will assign all stock to their Default Pick Location
- Next, click Assign and the page will refresh with the updated allocation
- (Splitting Stock) Assign the Location for any remaining stock then click Assign again
- You will now see all stock has been allocated, next, click Book In ASN
- Click OK on the confirmation
- Once you assigned locations and booked this portion into stock, the ASN will be completed.
The PO in Unleashed will be split, with the initial PO having the receipted quantities as booked in through Mintsoft and status Receipted. The new Split PO will have the remaining lines and quantities from the initial and will come through as an ASN within 15 minutes and can subsequently be actioned to receipt the full PO quantity.
Once Receipted, assigned and booked in, this split PO will also be marked as Receipted. Note: The key limitation here is that it only allows two parts of stock to be booked, if going beyond this please follow the steps above.
Over-receipting and unexpected item workaround
There is a workaround for unexpected items or quantities. During the PO receipting it’s common to find Suppliers have mistakenly sent too much of an item or the wrong items. Booking in Unexpected items or over-receipting takes a different touch – these lines (unexpected) and exp. quantity changes (over) will need to be added both on the Purchase Order in Unleashed as well as the ASN for this PO in Mintsoft.
Note: When the line is added to the PO this will not pull through to Mintsoft as the transaction sync is one-time and updates need to be manually added on both ends. Once the lines and their expected quantity match the reality of what’s been receipted, you can now book in the stock and the SoH will successfully be booked into the warehouse on both systems. As this is a workaround, a comment or note should be added in Unleashed with the changes so there’s a paper trail for Purchase Order Invoice matching.