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What is a residual value?


When a product is receipted into Unleashed's inventory, an Average Landed Cost (ALC) is calculated based on the product's current on hand value, the receipted purchase price and any landed costs included on the Purchase Order. A residual value is the difference found in a product's current value, compared to when it was initially purchased. In Unleashed, a residual value error will stop a Supplier Return from being completed, and will be triggered in a Supplier Return if:

  • the returning value is greater than the current on hand value, regardless of the stock on hand quantity.
  • the returning value is less than the current on hand value and the Supplier Return is expected to reduce the stock on hand to zero.

Unleashed cannot save stock value to a product that does not have any stock on hand. You will therefore need to complete a value-only stock adjustment to align a product's current on hand value with the product's returning value in the Supplier Return to resolve any residual value errors. 

For more details, see How to conduct a value-only Stock Adjustment.



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