Discover your reports
FollowReview you business's performance with Unleashed's reports and use them to manage it's future success. Analyze profitability with the Margin Enquiry, investigate under-performance with the Unit Sales Enquiry and monitor your progress with the Sales Enquiry and you'll be fully equipped to make all the necessary decisions required to reach your business's potential.
Report on your sales margins: Use the Margin Enquiry to compare how much your stock is costing your business with the profit it's providing. You can filter the report by product, product group, customer and more to drill down into the specific and pin point potential areas for improvement. The Margin Enquiry will calculate turnovers and profits made over any given period and can be exported into a CSV format, allowing you to compare from one period to then next and highlight trends you may need to focus on.
Report on your unit sales: By reviewing the unit sales of your inventory you can better understand how much of your stock's moving on a per product basis. The Unit Sales Enquiry displays the total number of units sold per month, per product and can therefore be used to highlight seasonal selling trends, slow moving or high selling stock to help you plan for the months ahead. Use the Warehouse filter refine your unit sale results by location, to identify if certain stock sells better or worse in particular locations and you can adjust your replenishment decisions accordingly.
Use and customize the Sales Enquiry: The Sales Enquiry page allows you to report on all Sales Orders created in your Unleashed account, with a per order line breakdown. As the Sales Enquiry includes both open and completed Sales Orders, it allows you to review historic transactions as well as the progress of those currently being processed, in real time. Use the various date filters to monitor how your Sales Orders progress from creation to completion, and easily identify if orders are being delivered early, late or on time. And further customize the report to display all the details you'll need to know to effectively manage your Sales. Include the customer's contact details (e.g. email address or phone number), the order's delivery address or the product's current stock location to curate a single page overview of everything you'll need to effectively manage your orders and provide great service to your customers.
- Export and manage data outside of Unleashed: Whilst Unleashed has in-built reports available that can be manipulated and re-arranged in Unleashed directly, you also have the option to export each report's data into a CSV file for further filtering and flexibility. Once a report or data set has been exported from Unleashed, any subsequent changes made to the transactions or records in Unleashed will not update to your exported file. This means the export provides you with an "at the time" view, which you can compare to later or future periods.