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Change Log - 2023


Change Log - 2023

Monday 4 December

API Changes

Following our API Update email on 12th October to all API Mailing List Subscribers, we have released changes to the following endpoints:

  • GET Purchase Orders
  • DELETE Purchase Orders
  • PUT Customers

For additional information please visit our API Change Log.

Monday 27 November

View Shipments - Bulk Printing Tasks

Previously, when selecting "Print Combined Picklist" from the bulk action cog on the View Shipments page, the task was named "Bulk Print Picklist".  This has now been changed to state "Bulk Print Combined Picklist".

Custom Dashboards

The front page of Unleashed can now to be customised with a range of dashboards focussing on different parts of your business.

Interested in getting started? Here are some ideas for custom dashboards:

  • Sales progress to share at the next sales meeting

  • Stock on hand analysis across different warehouses and product groups

  • Production progress and how on-time completion is

  • How much is currently being purchased?

We have built a new widget configuration panel that applies the context of an insight on a per-panel basis, allowing you to compare information in panels side-by-side, such as sales per sales person, or stock on hand in each warehouse in separate panels. Date ranges are also configured on a per-widget basis, so you can compare widgets with different timeframes on the same dashboard.

NOTE: Custom Dashboard makes use of the BI Vision module. If you would like to access this feature, contact your administrator.

Wednesday 22 November

Shopify Inbound Warehouse Mapping Tab

The Warehouse Mapping configuration switch has now moved to its new home under the Inbound Warehouse Mappings tab inside the Shopify Store configuration.

Please note that there are no functional changes introduced with this move.  If you have existing Shopify connections, your current configuration will remain unchanged.


Monday 20 November

Supplier | Purchases Tab - new bulk actions

The following actions have been added to the bulk options in the Supplier | Purchases tab:

  • Add Shared Costs
  • Change Status
  • Complete Orders

For more details see Add Supplier

Settings | Taxes - new layout and options

The Taxes page has been updated to facilitate better filtering - particularly hiding obsolete taxes.
You can now un-obsolete taxes that were previously obsoleted.
The "Add" Tax button is now located in the top right of the page.

For more details see Taxes

API Updates - Bin Location added to Products

Please see API Change Log for details

Advanced Inventory Manager: Import User Historic Sales Data

AIM now features access to the Import Historic Sales Data page from a button in the top right. If you are new to Unleashed, use this feature to import a 1 time sheet of historic sales data from your previous system. 

This information will be loaded into Business Intelligence and AIM to build insights and calculate rate of demand. 

Monday 13 November

View Products page - option to Assemble product added to Action Cog:

Wednesday 8 November

B2B - Brand Name as an Image

We made a small update to the B2B platform to allow you to configure your store even more. Now you can use an image of your Brand Name to display on your login page rather than just your brand name in a plain text format.A

As a store administrator go to the store and under the General Settings, you can now configure your Brand Name and add an image of your Brand name instead of just text.

With this configuration and without a Company Logo uploaded the Login page will look like this showing the Banner Name Image instead of Baner Name text.


Monday 6 November

Unleashed Country Names updated

All Country lists have been updated in accordance with the International Organization for Standardization - list 3166.


Batch Expiry Date - New Validation

A batch number can have only one expiry date. 
If the batch exists in several warehouses with the same expiry date, updating one expiry date, will update all expiry dates.

If the batch exists in several warehouse with different expiry dates, updating any one of the batch expiry dates will issue a warning message to say that all expiry dates for that batch will be updated.


AIM: Product Forecast - Open Transactions

The Product Forecast charts now incorporate open transactions to indicate a products' forecast stock-on-hand. 

If you have products that are on purchase order, made on assembly or consumed in assembly then you will see the stock on hand plotted accordingly.

Example: Create open assembly transactions to plan your production and see how your component stock will cope with the demand. 

If you have open transactions, the date of the transaction will be used to add or subtract stock on hand. Use this to indicate a potential stockout risk and take action to avoid it:


  1. Transactions that do not have an expected completion date, such as warehouse transfers, will be plotted as transferring in 1 days time. 
  2. AIM will refresh transaction and stock on hand data approximately every hour, so the open transactions may not match your real-time account. 

AIM: Option to Enable/Disable Simulated Replenishment

You can now control whether the Stock On Hand charts in Product Forecast will simulate future replenishments. Use this option to compare how your forecast demand and open transactions will affect your stock on hand, and enable it to see how your stock limits and replenishment method should cope with the demand: 

With Simulate Purchases disabled, you can see when stock is depleted. 

With Simulate Purchases enabled, you can see how the strategy will cope with demand. 

AIM: Product Forecast - New Table Columns

The Product Forecast table now displays columns to show the current allocated demand for transactions (Sales Orders, or components in Assemblies) and allocated to supply (Purchase Orders, or Assembled Products on Assemblies). The table also has a 'Required' column indicating the quantity that is being replenished in the forecast. This column will provide a forecast of the required supply you will need to provide if the forecast demand occurs. 

AIM: Product Forecast - Production Navigation

The Product Analysis panel to the left of Product Forecast now features a Production section that links from one product to another based on the Bill of Materials structure. After forecasting an assembled product, you can navigate to its components or vice-versa. 


Wednesday 1 November

Sales Invoice Completion - New Validation

New validation has been added to the Sales Invoice Completion step.  A warning message will display if there are remaining un-invoiced items that have a negative total amount.





Monday 30 October

Warehouse Transfer Template - Address Name added

The Warehouse Address Name has been added to the Source and Destination Warehouse Data components for use in the Warehouse Transfer template.


Invoice Enquiry - Fields added to Hidden Columns

The following fields have been added to the Hidden Columns for the Invoice Enquiry to allow for better invoice handling:

  • Customer Reference
  • Delivery Country
  • Delivery Method
  • Payment Terms

The fields are included in the export.


Tuesday 24 October

New menu option - View Invoices

A new option is available under the Sales Menu to View and Manage your Invoices:


 For more information, please visit View Invoices


Wednesday 11 October

Stock On Hand Enquiry - New Role Permission for Costs

Hide product costs from the Stock On Hand Enquiry with the new role permission "Cost" under the Stock on Hand Enquiry role permission:


Suppliers - Add Reminder Note

Add a pop-up reminder to your Supplier records when you need alerting to important information.



Wednesday 4 October

Data Exporter - New Filters and Fields added to Sales Shipment Data Source

New fields for the Sales Shipment data source include:

  • (via Sales Order) Delivery Contact Phone (will populate with "Phone" if present, else "Mobile Phone" if present, else "Office Phone" if present, else blank)
  • (via Sales Order) Delivery Instruction
  • (via Sales Order Lines) Line Number
  • ToShip Quantity

New filters for the Sales Shipment data source include:

  • Delivery City (free text)
  • Delivery Method

Monday 2 October

Sales Quotes - Apply a Nominal Cost to Products

To assist you when quoting for products that may not have accurate landed costs, enter a "Nominal Cost" on the Product | Purchase tab:

The nominal cost will be applied when quoting to calculate margin and profit:

For more information, please visit Add Sales Quote


Upload Historic Sales Data now used by Advanced Inventory Manager

The upload of historic sales data in BI: Vision will now also be used in Advanced Inventory Manager, allowing you to model stock limits based on data from a previously used system. 


Unleashed Home Page changes

Paving the way for future updates, the transaction panel now features a show/hide button with notification icons to alert action items. 

The Homepage now displays additional Business Intelligence components. 

Stay tuned for plans on customisation of the homepage...


Data Exporter - New Filters and Fields added to Sales Orders Data Source

New fields for the Sales Order data source include:

  • Delivery Contact Phone (will populate with "Phone" if present, else "Mobile Phone" if present, else "Office Phone" if present, else blank)
  • Delivery Instruction
  • Sales Order Lines Line Number

New filters for the Sales Order data source include:

  • Sales Order Group
  • Delivery City (free text)
  • Delivery Method


API - Sales Order Endpoint

New filter and fields for the GET Sales Order endpoint.  For details, please visit API Change Log.


API - Sales Shipments Endpoint

New filter and fields for the GET Sales Shipments endpoint.  For details, please visit API Change Log.


Wednesday 27 September

Advanced Inventory Manager - New Product Forecast interface

AIM now features a new Product Forecast interface to make better use of the available screen space. 

  • The left hand panel has been redesigned to show general product information with historic charts.
  • The centre panel now toggles between 3 charts in a carousel and the table of details.
  • A new forecast chart has been added: Demand Forecast Analysis. Drag the points of the forecast to set your monthly rate of demand.
  • The right hand panel has been redesigned to highlight how lead days and buffers relate to days of stock.


B2B Portal - Product description now displays over 2 lines

We made an update to the product cards (Grid view) in the B2B portal so that the product title now displays over the first 2 lines. If the title is too long we will show an ellipsis (...), and hovering over the Product title will show the full description.

Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 10.01.50 AM.png


B2B Portal - Standing Orders now include Freight Charges

Are you using Freight in your B2B store to automatically add a Freight charge (Flat rate or Rate over order value) per shipping zone to Sales Orders, and are you allowing your regular customers to create Standing orders? Now the Freight charge gets calculated and added to your Standing Orders, we after all save the regular delivery address to the Standing Order record. 


Monday 25 September

Sales Order Import and Export combined into one page

Monday 18 September

Customer Contact Details added to View Quotes, View Sales, View Shipments & Enquiry pages

Primary Contact Name, email address and phone number can be added to your grid from the hidden columns in the toolbar.  
Note:  Contact Phone will populate from "Phone".  If Phone is blank, then Mobile Phone, else Office Phone.

Add Quote added to Product Page

We've added a link for creating a Sales Quote from the Product Page

API enhancements - Customer endpoint

Please visit our API Change Log


Wednesday 13 September

New Advanced Inventory Manager Demand Forecast Analysis Chart

AIM: Product forecast now features a new chart that will show the demand per month. This chart supports dragging and dropping the forecast vertically for each month to set the forecast.

Wednesday 6 September

New Advanced Inventory Manager Review Tab


We have renamed the 'AIM Transaction Log' tab to the ‘Review’ tab. This page now enables you to review previous transactions, recalculate the min/max limits to align with the current rate of demand and easily submit these changes.

Transactions will be tagged with a controls status of ‘Needs Review’ based on a time limit or rate of demand change.

When submitting a modelling or forecast transaction, you can set a review timeframe.


When reviewing and recalculating a transaction, the name of the transaction will be carried forward to the new transaction.

Reviewing a forecast will load the forecast for review. Modelled transactions can be recalculated and submitted from the summary panel, however when reviewing a transaction, you can now select ‘Edit’ to load the transaction into modelling if you wish to change your strategy.


Reorder Report - New Option for Stock Replenishment

The reorder report now includes an option to "top up" products that are under their maximum stock level. The new filter Stock Level (in place of ‘Alert’), now has the following options:

  • Under Min (understocked)
  • Under Max (understocked + products that need topping up)
  • Over Max (overstocked)
  • All


Product Reminder

Add a pop-up reminder to products when you need alerting to important information.



Monday 28 August

Purchase Orders - Choose Default Cost Distribution Methods:

Choose to set your default Purchase Order Cost Distribution Method at a Company and/or at Supplier levels:

Cost Distribution Options include:

  • Value (default)
  • Base Quantity
  • Weight
  • Volume

Note:  Weight requires your Product records to have a weight, and Volume requires your products to have width/height/depth to use effectively.

You can set a default for all Purchase Order costs on the Company | Settings tab:

You can also set a default cost distribution method per Supplier:

Reminder:  Product Volume and Weight can be added to your Purchase Order Line Grid by selecting the fields from the hidden columns in the toolbox and saving the grid.

Please Note:
The “Distribution Method” column in the Purchase Order Cost Line grid will be blank on existing Purchase Orders.

Prior to the release, costs were distributed by value, or order quantity if no value present.
Any changes to these Purchase Order lines (adding new or editing existing) will trigger the costs to be recalculated, resulting in the distribution method column being populated with Value or Quantity.
If you wish to change the cost line to be distributed by Weight or Volume based on changes to Company or Supplier defaults, you will need to delete the relevant PO Cost lines and re-add them.
For additional information visit Add a Purchase Order

Wednesday 23 August

B2B - Freedom to do more with your B2B store(s).

A small improvement to the configuration of your Unleashed B2B store under General Setting has been implemented to help you to customise the look of your store which could have a big impact to your brand.

The 'Main Title of Your Catalog' and 'Catalog Page Summary' fields have been updated from a plain text field editor to a rich text field editor, it now is similar to the 'Delivery Details' field but with lower character limits.

Jump into your B2B store and have a look at how you can customise your page title and summary. 

Please note that the Main Title of your Catalog is a required field so you cannot leave it blank.

PS. We will soon also update the 'Brand Name' field, giving you more flexibility.


Monday 21 August

B2B Portal - New Freight over order value/threshold added.

A second freight rule/rate has been added to the B2B store Setting page. This will allow Store Administrator users to configure freight per Zone, per Price Tier so that the price for shipping goods from your store, can be calculated with the Order Value/threshold in mind.

Combining this new rule with the existing Flat Rate you are now able to set up your store to offer your customer Free Shipping if the total value (Excluding tax) of the order placed is equal to or higher than the threshold you have set for your customer's Zone and Price Tier. If the order value is below the threshold the flat rate will be charged.

Read more about this new option and how to configure it here.


Wednesday 16 August

Purchase Order Receipting - Supplier Product Code added

The Supplier's Product Code has been added to the order line to assist with the receipting process:

Monday 14 August

System Generated PDF Filenames - exclude timestamp option

A new option under Settings | Company | Settings provides the option to exclude the datetime stamp from system generated filenames.  The setting is defaulted to ON.

Example with setting ON:  Sales Order_SO-00000001_2020.01.01_12.30.00.pdf
Example with setting OFF: Sales Order_SO-00000001.pdf


Disassembly Template

Disassemblies now have their own Template option.  In Doc Designer, tailor an Assembly template for use in Disassemblies and select it from the dropdown list:


Monday 7 August

Purchase Orders - Completed and Receipted Dates added to Header and View Page

The Completed and Receipted Dates for Purchase Orders have been added to the Purchase Order Header area.

On the View Purchases Page, you can add these 2 dates to the grid by clicking on "Show Toolbar" and selecting them from the "Hidden Columns" list.


Invoice Enquiry - Additional Status Filters

"All" and "All (excl. Deleted)" have been added to the Status filter on the Invoice Enquiry:



Wednesday 19 July

AIM Product Forecast: Interval Purchases

You can now plan future purchases based on a set time interval and start date. This is useful if you plan to resupply your stock on hand regularly or based on contractual agreements.

Wednesday 12 July

AIM Modelling Page 

The AIM Modelling page will no longer submit changes to products that have an active Product Forecast. In order to submit changes for products, you will need to open and edit the forecast for this product. 

Coming soon: the ability to disable Product Forecast and return a product to the modelling pages' control.

Wednesday 5 July

Quick Warehouse Transfer

Have you ever viewed a Product record and spotted that one Warehouse is running low or out of stock? Now you can do a quick warehouse transfer for this product, just click on the [Quick Transfer] button, select the Source and Destination warehouse, update the quantity (default will always be 1) and click Transfer.

If your product also has serial or batch tracking you can select from the batch or serial number(s) available for the item(s) you transfer.

PLEASE NOTE: This is a Quick Warehouse transfer action, it will create a single transaction for a product and will set the transaction to a Completed status so you cannot add additional products or comments to this quick transfer action. If you need to transfer more products and want to add comments to the transaction it is best to use the traditional adding a Warehouse Transfer action. 


Tuesday 4 July

AIM Insights Dashboard

We have released the new AIM Insights Dashboard:

The new dashboard features:

  • Drop down Filter panel with link to launch selected products into Modelling
  • Product Search to find specific products and launch Product Forecast
  • AIM Activity panel for maintenance of AIM data
  • Top performing products panel with Product Forecast links
  • Stockout Risk panel to highlight potential stock control issues with Product Forecast links
  • Supplier Performance panel to highlight delivery issues or lead days inaccuracy 
  • AIM Opportunities panel to help you explore potential strategies with AIM and to come up with your own!

Wednesday 28 June

AIM Product Forecast now operates independently from the Modelling page

The modelling grid will no longer submit Product Forecasts. Instead, you will now open the Product Forecast for a product and Save / Submit the forecast directly from inside the sliding forecast pane. 

AIM Product Forecast Chart changes:

  • You can now more easily read the Product Forecast chart as 'today' is marked with a vertical line.
  • The Product Forecast chart is now displayed as an area chart, instead of a daily bar chart.
  • You can now hold the Control key to horizontally scroll left and right after zooming in.

Monday 19 June

Deleting an Assembly with a linked Purchase Order?

When a purchase order is created from within an Assembly, it is possible to delete the assembly and miss canceling or adjusting the purchase order, resulting in buying stock that was no longer required. In order to avoid this we now display a warning message, when deleting such linked assemblies, providing you with an easy way to navigate to the open purchase order(s) and update the quantities or cancel the order.

Monday 12 June

Assemblies - Add supplier cost

We now made it possible to add supplier cost to auto-assembled products when the assembly is linked to a Sales Order. If you create assemblies that relate to a sales order the Supplier Cost tab is now enabled allowing you to enter any Supplier Costs to your assembly.

Access Financials Integration - Connection log

A new tab has been introduced to the Access Financials Integration allowing users to check any problematic transactions and view information about what exports to Access Financials

Monday 6 June

Shopify Refunds and Restocks

An option to create Free Credits from your Refund and Restock actions from Shopify is now available from your eCommerce hub > Shopify <Store> | Configuration.

Don't forget to 'Refresh your Connection' for this new offering to work:

For more specifics on this enhancement, you can review this article


Monday 29 May

API - Batch Numbers on Sales Shipments

Batch Numbers can now be updated to the Sales Shipment directly, without having to include them on the Sales Order.  For further information see API Change Log.


AIM - Product Forecast Daily Chart

The AIM Stock on Hand chart is now drawn daily, instead of monthly, to help you visually forecast how your strategy will accommodate your forecast demand. Select a part of the chart to zoom into an area of interest and review the detail in a tooltip by hovering over the chart.


Quickbooks Online Average Landed Cost at time of Dispatch Update

Unleashed will now send the value of the average landed cost at the time of shipment dispatch for all Unleashed subscriptions from 29th May 2023.


Wednesday 24 May

eCommerce Hub - WooCommerce integration

Today we released the first iteration of our basic Unleashed & WooCommerce integration. You can find it under the eCommerce Hub menu item. To learn more click here.


Monday 15 May

AIM Product Forecast Charts

The Product Forecast page now features new charts in addition to the Product Lifecycle Chart. You can now review a products history in details to help you create a forecast and strategy:

Sales Qty vs SOH Qty vs Purchase Qty

Sales Per Month

The main Product Forecast Chart now features a carousel with a new chart:

Replenishment Orders Required for Max SOH

Monday 1 May

Email Verification

As an added security layer, we have implemented an email verification process to Unleashed.  You will be sent an email when you next log on to Unleashed.  Locate the email in your inbox and click on the "Verify Email" link.  You only need to do this once.  We will remind you every time you log in until you've verified your email address.

Example of email you will receive:

Wednesday 26 April

Production tab

Product Records now have a new Production Tab to provide easy access to the Bill of Material details for the selected Product. 


Easily identify which Bill of Material is used to create this product, or which Bills of Materials this product is used in. For more information on the information provided in this tab please visit Create Products.

Thursday 20 April

AIM Product Forecast

Advanced Inventory Manager now features Product Forecast. When you are on the Modelling page and have a set of products selected you will be able to click on the AIM icon to open the Product Forecasting panel.

The Product Forecasting panel will slide out from the right to left and will allow business owners or purchase managers to add forecasted units sold or used in assemblies for the selected product. To support you with the process AIM will provide you with Actual demand (QTY) over the last 12 months (the default period) with projected Linear and Seasonal trends for the product for the future 12 months (the default future period) on the page.

Wednesday 29 March

Company Configuration:  Per Warehouse Controls - change in behaviour when disabling

If you have set up per warehouse controls and added bin locations and min/max stock levels, then decide to toggle OFF per warehouse controls, all bin locations and min/max stock levels will be cleared.  The individual warehouse stock levels will be summed up and used as your Global min and max stock levels. 
It is advisable to export your Inventory Details as a backup.  You will be prompted when toggling OFF with a link to the export inventory details tab.
For additional information please see Company help page.


Monday 27 March

Quickbooks Online Average Landed Cost at time of Dispatch Update

Unleashed will now send the value of the average landed cost at the time of shipment dispatch for new Unleashed subscriptions from 27th March 2023.

Most of the existing subscriptions with a QBO integration prior this date will be sending the current average landed cost at the time of the transaction (sales or credit) -> contact our support team should you wish to have this updated to the new behaviour.

On the 29th of May, all subscriptions will adapt the new behaviour automatically.

Wednesday 22 March

Credits tab in related invoices

Similar to the credits tab in Sales Orders, you now have a credits tab inside invoices. 

The credit tab heading will indicate the number of credits raised that relate to the invoice you are viewing. The number will be colour coded to match the status of the invoices.

The stock return column will indicate whether stock is returned, not returned, or a dash if the credit is not yet completed.  

Monday 20 March

Shopify Order Edits

You now have the option to unlock and edit open orders created in Unleashed from your Shopify eCommerce stores.

Navigate to the eCommerce hub > Shopify > click configure on your store card and toggle on 'Unleashed Manual Order Edits' under the configuration tab.

Learn more about this in the Shopify Integration Setup

Shopify Order Link 

As a little bonus / complimentary enhancement to Shopify Order Edits, we have also added a Shopify link icon to all Shopify created orders on the top-right-hand-side of the sales order screen which takes you to your Shopify Order


New Currencies API Endpoint

See API Change Log for details


Wednesday 15 March

Advanced Inventory Manager (AIM)

The first version of AIM has been released.

AIM is a brand-new tool designed to solve the challenges of modern supply chain management.

With AIM you’re able to quickly and easily improve cash flow by fine-tuning your reordering – forecast demand – and spot stock problems before they happen.

Click here for more information.


Monday 13 March

Purchase Order Lines Grid - new hidden column

The Supplier Product Description is now available under the hidden columns for use in the Purchase Order Lines grid and Purchase Order Template.

Monday 6 March

Bulk Update Purchase Order Statuses 

You can now bulk update the statuses of your purchase orders that are un-receipted or un-completed. This includes Custom Purchase Order statuses that you have created. 

Wednesday 1 March

Business Intelligence - View your data behind the Charts.

BI Vision charts now give you the flexibility to view your data behind the chart without exporting the data to CSV. The grid/table icon next to the title of the chart now allows you to toggle and show the data behind the chart for easy reference or export and is also available on the timeline charts. 


To Export the data just click on the 3 dots in the right-hand corner and select Export. 



Monday 20 February

Create Purchase Order from within an Assembly

You can now create a purchase order from within an assembly. To create a purchase order related to your assembly, press Purchase in the top right of your assembly. A dialogue will appear to select the supplier and quantity for each component line. The preferred supplier will be pre-selected. It is assumed that the quantity will be for the required quantity for your assembly to support build-to-order jobs. A purchase order will be created for each supplier.

Once a purchase order is created, it will contain a link back to the assembly that created it, so you can easily reference back to the assembly that required the inventory. 


Monday 13 February

Settings - Turn off Automatic PDF downloads per Transaction Type

You can now opt to turn off automatic generation and download of transaction documents via your Company Settings tab under Print Settings.

Note:  Sales Orders and Sales Quotes are handled at the Customer level on the Customer details page.



Thursday 9 February

Business Intelligence - View your data with different chart types.

BI Vision charts now give you the flexibility to view your BI Vision data using different chart types. The chart icon next to the title of the chart shows you the next view. If you are a Vision subscriber and have permission to BI Vision then try it out now.

NOTE: This feature is now available on all BI Vision pages with charts and we will soon add an option to view your data in a grid without exporting it to CSV or excel.



Tuesday 7 February

Auto Assembly Product Allocation - change to behaviour (released 16 January 2023)

The behaviour of auto-assembled product allocations has changed to ensure that the component products are allocated appropriately.
Sales for auto-assembled products will no longer drive the "Available" quantity negative but instead place the components into an ‘on-assembly’ allocation.
Stock allocation for pre-assembled stock on hand of auto-assembled products will allocate normally.

Assembled products that are not auto-assembled will allocate normally.


Default Purchase Price - update from Purchase Order

As provided for Supplier Pricing changes, you can now also update the default purchase price for products from the Purchase Order itself:



Unleashed User Invitations and 2SA - change to expiry period

Both the Unleashed User Invitations as well as the 2SA expiry window have been reduced to 7 days.


Related Credits tab added to Sales Orders

Sales Orders now feature a new related Credits tab. Credits will automatically be linked into this tab if they relate to an invoice from the same sales order. The new credits tab displays the status, value, date, related invoice and whether stock has been returned, not returned, or pending (parked).




Custom sizing of Document Designer Templates

In addition to Product Labels, all other DocDesigner templates now support custom sizing. 



Purchase Orders - new totals layout for Supplier's with foreign currency

Where your Supplier has a different currency to your own base currency, we have split the sub totals and totals into separate columns for easier visibility:




Tuesday 31 January

Customer name, Supplier name and Product description added to View pages

Customer example:


Additional product details added to Stock Count export

The Stock Count export now includes additional product details to assist with identifying products and location.



Link to Custom Statuses from the Bulk Change Status pop-up

If you need to add a new custom status during a bulk status change, click on "New Status" to take you to your custom statuses (currently available for Sales Order Statuses and Assembly Statuses - Purchase Orders coming soon)



Monday 23 January

View Purchase Orders - new bulk action "Complete Orders"

You can now bulk complete several RECEIPTED purchase orders from the View Purchase Orders screen:


Wednesday 18 January

New Settings Tab in Company page

We have moved several configuration options into a new Settings tab found inside the Company page. The configuration tab now holds options that control functionality within Unleashed, while the new Settings tab determines the behaviour of the system. 


Monday 16 January

Bulk Update Assembly Status

We've added a new bulk action to the View Assemblies page. You can now adjust the status for multiple Assemblies in one quick & easy action. Simply select 'Change Status' from the action cog.


For more detailed instructions please visit Assembly Statuses

Add your own Purchase Order Statuses

You can now add additional Purchase Order Statuses to help you manage your purchasing workflow.  For additional information see Purchase Order Statuses


Create Stock Counts with 0 SOH products

You can now create Stock Counts that include Products with zero stock on hand.  Click on the option from the Stock Count page:


Thursday 12 January

Adding a Sales Quote - New lightbulb icon next to the Customer name.

Similar to the lightbulb on the Sales Order page this feature gives you access to rich insights into your customers’ buying habits on the fly – so you can decide on what to up-sell and cross-sell straight from your Sales Quotes.

After you have added your customer to the Sales Quote you’ll now see a lightbulb icon next to your customer’s name. Hover over this icon and a floating box will appear with some contact information of that customer and their top 10 products purchased for the last 12 months.

For even deeper insights, click on the ‘Explore more with Business Intelligence’ hyperlink in the window to view your BI Vision Sales page in a new tab. (Your account needs to be subscribed to the BI Vision module and your user role needs permission to access this page.)


BI Vision improvement

We made it easier for BI Vision subscribers to navigate to BI Vision, from the main Dashboard using the button at the bottom of the KPI tiles (renamed to Explore BI Vision) will take BI Vision users directly to the BI Vision page instead of Foundation.



Create Assemblies via the Product Record

You can now create Assemblies directly from your product record, simply select the Product drop down option in the top right hand corner of the screen.



BOM Free Assemblies

Bills of Materials are no longer required to create an Assembly for an Assembled Product. Creating a BOM Free Assembly will result in a blank Assembly where Components can be added for production.

Perfect for any Bespoke Production workflows!

For more information feel free to check out How to build assemblies on the fly


Credit Notes Attachments tab

You can now add attachments to your Credit Notes via the Attachments tab.


"Can Assemble" quantity added to Product pop-up

The "Can Assemble" quantity has been added to the Product pop-up for assembled products:


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