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B2B Store: General Settings


After you have created your B2B Store and established it's configuration sync settings (as described in B2B Portal setup) you can then customize your B2B's Store Settings.

Starting with General Settings, in this page you're able to implement custom branding, colour schemes, imagery and content to align with your business and establish the ordering options your customers have available.

General Settings

Use the General Settings page to customize how your B2B Store will look to your customers and implement any updates or changes with immediate effect. 

To access your B2B Store's General Settings:

  1. Go to your B2B Store and login as a Store Administrator.

  2. Select Settings, in the top right corner of the B2B Store. 

  3. Select Store Settings in the main menu on the left hand side of page Settings page, then click on General Settings

Preview Changes

As you make changes or updates to your B2B Store's General Settings, use the Preview button in the top right of the General Settings page to see how they would appear in your store front. 

NOTE: The products and images shown in the Preview are Unleashed's stock images. The Preview will not populate your own products.

Save Changes

Once you're happy with any changes you've made in the General Settings page, click on Save Changes (blue button) in the top right of your page to apply them to your B2B Store. Once the updates have been processed (this may take a few moments, depending on how many changes are being applied), a green banner to confirm the changes have been saved successfully. 

Brand Name

Use the Brand Name field to provide a default label that the B2B Store will use to help identify your store. The text provided in the "Brand Name" field will be populated in spaces such as:

  • The B2B Store's browser tab
  • Page titles within the B2B Store
  • Email Subject Line (when the variable {Brand Name} is provided), see B2B Email Settings.

A "Brand Name" is required to successfully save your B2B Store and is limited to 100 characters. Once a brand name is provided you can customize how the text is displayed on your store front using the rich text options available within the Brand Name field:

  • Text Size: Use the drop down menu to select the the size of your Brand Name's text; Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3, Heading 4, Normal. 
  • Font: Use the drop down menu to select which font your Brand Name will be displayed with; Sans Serif, Serif or Monospace.
  • Text Style: Use the icon functions to make the Brand Name's text bold, italic, underlined, stricken-through, subscript or superscript.
  • Text colour: Use the icon functions available to set a font colour and a text background colour (colour options are limited to those shown in the icon's colour chart).

Brand Name Image

Toggle on the Brand Name Image option to if you would prefer to substitute to the Brand Name's text with an image instead. When enabled the Brand Name Image uploaded will be used instead if of the Brand Name text on your B2B Store's login page.

To upload an Brand Name Image, enable the option using the toggle shown and a tile containing the message "Drop File here or click to upload" will be shown, here is where you can upload a Brand Name Image from your device. 

NOTE: Preferred banner image size is 555 x 110, supported formats: JPEG, JPG, PNG, BMP, GIF.

Once uploaded, you can delete the Brand Name Image from your B2B Store at any time using the bin icon displayed in the top right corner of the Brand Name Image section. 

Banner Image

Upload an image to display in the banner of your B2B Store's "Products" page. If no image is provided for the banner, your B2B Store's Brand Name Image will be used. If your B2B Store does not have Brand Name Image enabled, the Brand Name text will be used instead. 

To upload a Banner Image, go to the tile containing the message "Drop File here or click to upload" under the Banner Image section and upload an image from your device. 

NOTE: Preferred banner image size is 555 x 215, supported formats: JPEG, JPG, PNG, BMP, GIF.

Once uploaded, you can delete the Banner Image from your B2B Store at any time using the bin icon displayed in the top right corner of the Banner Image section. 

Company Logo

Upload an image to the Company Logo section in your B2B Store and this will be used as the "Home" image on your B2B Store and you can also choose to display it on the B2B Store's Login Page (see Login Page below).

To upload a Company Logo, go to the tile containing the message "Drop File here or click to upload" under the Company Logo section and upload an image from your device. 

NOTE: Preferred logo size is 180 x 180, supported formats: JPEG, JPG, PNG, BMP, GIF.

Once uploaded, you can delete the Company Logo from your B2B Store at any time using the bin icon displayed in the top right corner of the Company Logo section. 

Main Title of Your Catalogue

Provide a title that will be displayed in the banner of your B2B Store's Products page. 

A "Main Title of Your Catalogue" is required to successfully save your B2B Store and is limited to 80 characters. Once a title is provided you can customize how the text is displayed on your store front using the rich text options available:

  • Text Size: Use the drop down menu to select the the size of your title's text; Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3, Heading 4, Normal. 
  • Font: Use the drop down menu to select which font your title will be displayed with; Sans Serif, Serif or Monospace.
  • Text Style: Use the icon functions to make the title's text bold, italic, underlined, stricken-through, subscript or superscript.
  • Text colour: Use the icon functions available to set a font colour and a text background colour (colour options are limited to those shown in the icon's colour chart).

Catalogue Page Summary

Provide a brief summary of the products your business offers and this will be displayed in the banner of your B2B Store's Products page, underneath the Main Title of Your Catalogue. 

A "Catalogue Page Summary" is not required to successfully save your B2B Store but is limited to 400 characters. Once a summary is provided you can customize how the text is displayed on your store front using the rich text options available:

  • Text Size: Use the drop down menu to select the the size of your summary's text; Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3, Heading 4, Normal. 
  • Font: Use the drop down menu to select which font your summary will be displayed with; Sans Serif, Serif or Monospace.
  • Text Style: Use the icon functions to make the summary's text bold, italic, underlined, stricken-through, subscript or superscript.
  • Text Colour: Use the icon functions available to set a font colour and a text background colour (colour options are limited to those shown in the icon's colour chart).
  • Text Alignment: Use the icon available to choose whether the summary's text is; left aligned, right aligned, centered or justified.
  • Numbered: Use the icon available to display text in a numbered list.
  • Bullet points: Use the icon available to display text in a bullet pointed list. 
  • Hyperlink: Use the icon available to add a hyperlink to the text provided. When the hyperlinked text is selected in the banner a new tab will be opened, directing the customer to the linked page. 

Delivery Details

If you would like to provide your customers with details in regards to your delivery options, use the Delivery Details field. The text provided here will be displayed to your customers during the checkout process.

A "Delivery Details" is not required to successfully save your B2B Store. You can customize how the Delivery Details text is displayed on your store front using the rich text options available:

  • Text Size: Use the drop down menu to select the the size of your Delivery Details' text; Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3, Heading 4, Normal. 
  • Font: Use the drop down menu to select which font your Delivery Details will be displayed with; Sans Serif, Serif or Monospace.
  • Text Style: Use the icon functions to make the Delivery Details text bold, italic, underlined, stricken-through, subscript or superscript.
  • Text Colour: Use the icon functions available to set a font colour and a text background colour (colour options are limited to those shown in the icon's colour chart).
  • Text Alignment: Use the icon available to choose whether the summary's text is; left aligned, right aligned, centered or justified.
  • Numbered: Use the icon available to display text in a numbered list.
  • Bullet points: Use the icon available to display text in a bullet pointed list. 
  • Hyperlink: Use the icon available to add a hyperlink to the text provided. When the hyperlinked text is selected in the banner a new tab will be opened, directing the customer to the linked page. 

Select colours for your catalogue

Set a primary and secondary colour to customize the the Products page in your B2B Store. Click on the "Primary Colour" or "Secondary Colour" buttons in the General settings page to open a colour chart window. Once you have located the appropriate colour in the gradient charts click on Done to select it for your B2B Store. 

  • Primary Colour: will be used to fill the banner's background on your store's Products page.
  • Secondary Colour: will be used as the background colour for any functional buttons you customer may use in the Products page e.g. Add, Select Category, Grid View.


By default, any Customer that has accepted an invite to your B2B Store is able to place an order. However, you also have the option determine whether they can also create Standing Orders or bulk import new ones. Similarly, you can set restrictions for product order quantities and minimum order values to help establish good ordering practices from your customers. 

Allow Customers to place Standing Orders

If your customers are ordering the same items daily, weekly, or monthly, enable the "Allow Customers to place Standing Orders" setting for your B2B Store. Once enabled, your customers can save time by creating editable Standing Orders directly in the B2B Store. For more details on how customers can create a Standing Order, see B2B Store: Standing Orders.

Points to note

  • B2B Store Administrators can place standing orders on behalf of customers by using the "Act As Customer" feature. For more details, see B2B Customers.
  • Standing orders can be edited, paused and resumed by both customers and Store Administrator (when acting as a customer).
  • The Standing Orders reminder email will be sent 2 days prior to the order date selected for the standing order.

View Standing Orders

As a Store Administrator you can review all Standing Orders that exist for your B2B Store: 

  1. From the B2B Store, select the My Orders drop down menu in the top right corner. 

  2. Click on Standing Orders.
  3. By default, the Orders tab will be selected, displaying the Standing Orders in order of their Next Order Date (soonest at the top).

  4. Use the Customer Search field to filter the Standing Orders by Customer Name or Code. 

  5. Click on the Show Details dropdown per order to see the a full breakdown of the current Standing Order.

Standing Orders: Product Enquiry

As a Store Administrator, you can run a Product Enquiry report to retrieve a list of all products and quantities for the standing orders currently placed by your customers. This will help you to plan ahead for stock availability to ensure that the orders are fulfilled on time:

  1. From the B2B Store, select the My Orders drop down menu in the top right corner. 

  2. Click on Standing Orders.

  3. Click on the Product Enquiry tab

  4. Select the date range using the Start and End Date fields, then click Run.
    NOTE: By default, the Start Date and End Date will be displayed for a month with today's date as the Start Date. You can run the report for a maximum time period of three months.

  5. A list of all products on Standing Order within the given date range will be displayed, in order of their Product Code.

Allow Customers to import Orders to Cart

If your customers are placing bulk orders with a large number of product lines, this feature will enable them to easily import orders using a CSV template (Product Code and Quantity). This will eliminate the need to click and add each product to their cart, creating a better user experience. 

NOTE: The B2B Order Import feature is limited to a maximum of 500 product lines per import, but they are able to import multiple files to create orders larger than 500 lines.

For more details, see B2B Store: Import Orders

Restrict orders by minimum product quantity

If your products in Unleashed have a Minimum Sales Order Quantity (MSOQ)set in their Sale tab, use the Restrict orders by minimum product quantity setting to apply the same requirement in your B2B Store.

When Restrict orders by minimum product quantity is enabled, customers using your B2B Store will not be able to add a product to their order if the quantity selected is below the MSOQ set in Unleashed. This quantity limit will be visible to the customer when adding and reviewing the products in your B2B Store.

Set Minimum Order Value Limit

If you would like to ensure that your customers place orders in the B2B Store over a certain value, enable the Set Minimum Order Value Limit setting. Once enabled, enter a minimum value in field below the setting's toggle and select Save Changes. From then on, customers will only be able to place an order if the sub total value of their cart matches or exceeds the minimum value requirement.

NOTE: In order to enable this setting, you must have the Display product prices setting enabled in your B2B Store. For more details, see B2B Store: Product Details

The minimum value is currency agnostic and does not convert per customer's currency. For example, if the value 250 is set, American customers will have a minimum value of $250 whilst European customers would have a minimum order value of €250.

When the Minimum Order Value is enabled and set in the B2B Store, customers will be notified of the requirement with a static message shown in their main Products page view.


Similarly, if a customer attempts to place an order where the cart's sub total is less than the minimum value required, the sub total value on their cart will be highlighted in red and they will not be able to proceed.

NOTE: Existing Standing Orders, placed before enabling the feature will not be restricted by the Minimum Order Value limit feature. However, setting a new Minimum Order Value condition is a great opportunity to touch base with your Customer, strengthen the relationship, & work out a new deal that works for both parties!

Login Page

Customize your B2B Store's login page with the following options.

Login heading

At least one of the following options must be enabled:

  • Display brand name: If you have enabled Brand Name Image, the Brand Name will be replaced by the image provided. 
  • Display company logo

Login blurb

Provide a brief description or message to your customers which will be shown below the company logo and/or brand name. 

NOTE: The login blurb is limited to 80 characters.


Enable the "Display 'Powered by Unleashed' footer" setting to show the Unleashed logo at the bottom of your B2B Store's pages. 


Close Store

If you'd like to restrict access for all customers and guests to your B2B Store, click on the red Close Store. Any settings you've applied will be saved against the closed store and will resume when the store is reopened. 

NOTE: Closing your B2B Store does not remove it from your Unleashed account or subscription. To remove B2B Store from your Unleashed subscription, submit a request through the support portal here

Open Store

Once your store is closed, you can make any changes to the B2B Store's settings but no customers will be able to access it. You can re-open the store by clicking the green Open Store button, at the bottom of your General Settings page. 

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