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B2B Store: Payment Settings


B2B Payment Settings Tutorial Videos

In the Payment Settings page of the B2B Store, you can connect your B2B Store to a live Stripe account, giving guests and customers the ability to make advance payments for B2B Store Orders through our Stripe integration.


In order to enable payments for orders made via the B2B Store, the following pre-requisites apply:

  • You must have an active Stripe account.
  • At least one product with a sellable status in your B2B Store, displaying it's pricing to invited or guest customers. 
  • Up-front payment is mandatory for guest customers to place a Sales Order in the B2B Store.

For details on the countries Stripe is available in, please see Our payment partner Stripe Stripe's Global Availability. If you’re outside these regions consider Stripe: Atlas.

Payment Settings

Connect Stripe to your B2B Store

In order for guests or customers to have the option to pay for their B2B Orders directly in your B2B Store, your Store Administrator will need to connect your Stripe account:

  1. Go to your B2B Store and login as a Store Administrator.

  2. Go to Settings, then in the main menu select Orders, Payment Settings

  3. Select the Connect with Stripe button and you will be redirected to a Stripe's connection login page.

  4. Provide your Stripe account's login Email Address and select Submit

  5. Once logged in or your Stripe account has been set up, click on Connect with Stripe account

  6. In the B2B Store's Payment Settings page, a banner message will be displayed once Stripe is successfully connected. 

NOTE: For details on the countries Stripe is available in, please see Our payment partner Stripe Stripe's Global Availability. If you’re outside these regions consider Stripe: Atlas. Stripe's access cannot be revoked through Unleashed's B2B and has to be done through Stripe directly.

Payment Options

Once you've connected Stripe in your B2B Store's Payment Settings page, you can then enable payments for both customers and guests of your B2B Store using the toggle options available:

  • Enable payments for registered customers
  • Enable payments for guests

Enabling payments for your B2B Store allows your Store Administrator to designate whether customers can defer payment for their B2B Orders or if they'll be required to make up-front payments, by assigning a Payment Type to each customer of your B2B Store (B2B Store: Customers).

There are two Payment Type options available; On Account or Pre-paid:

Payment Type Description
On Account

Customers assigned to the “On Account” Payment Type will have the option to pay for their order upfront within the B2B Store using the "Place Order & Pay" option, or they can select "Place Order Now" and pay at a later date, after the order's been placed.

NOTE: Not available for Guests. 


Customers assigned to the “Pre-Paid” Payment Type will only be able to place an order on your B2B store if they pay for it upfront.
NOTE: Standing Orders are not included in the Pre-Paid payment type and will need to be manually processed. 

Enable payments for registered customers

Once your B2B Store is connected with Stripe, Enable payments for registered customers to manage how your registered customers can place orders via the B2B Store. The Customers page in the B2B Store will display each customer's current Payment Type, which can can be updated at any time using the Actions button. 

To enable payment for registered customers of your B2B Store and configure your Customer's Payment Type:

  1. Go to your B2B Store and login as a Store Administrator.

  2. Select Settings, in the top right corner of the B2B Store and from the main menu go to Inventory, Product Details

  3. Toggle on Display product prices and Save Changes. 

  4. From the B2B Store's Settings main menu, go to Orders, Payment Settings.

  5. Toggle on Enable payments for registered customers and select Save Changes

  6. From the B2B Store's Settings main menu, go to the Customers tab and select Customers.

  7. Using the Actions dropdown button on the right of each Customer's row, select either Make On Account or Make Pre-Paid to update each individual customer's Payment Type. 

    NOTE: Payment Type cannot be updated in bulk across multiple customers and can only be updated one customer at a time. 

  8. As soon as the Payment Type has been updated for the Customer, their payment options will immediately update for existing and future orders placed. 

If the Enable payments for registered customers configuration is disabled then each customer's Payment Type assignment will be stored and re-applied when re-enabled in the future. This means you won’t need to reconfigure your Customer's Payment Types next time this feature is enabled!

Enable payments for guests

Allow un-registered customers (guests) who either haven't been formally invited or don't yet exist as a customer in your Unleashed account to place orders via your B2B Store by enabling guest payments in your B2B Store's settings. 

In order to enable payments for guests, you will first need to make sure guests are able to access your B2B store and have visibility of the pricing for products they're able to buy:

  1. In your B2B Store, as a Store Administrator, go to Settings and from the main menu go to Store Settings, Customers and select Guest Access.

  2. Enable the "Allow guests to browse store" setting.

  3. Enable the "Show product pricing to guests" setting.

  4. In the "Select guest customer" options, pick "Select guest customer" and search and select for a single Customer record that all B2B Guest orders will be created with in Unleashed.

    NOTE: We recommend creating a customer in Unleashed specifically for B2B Guest orders to help manage any reporting or Sales Order fulfillment processes.

  5. Once a Guest customer is assigned, click on Save Changes (see B2B Guest Access).

  6. Next, go to Settings, Orders and select Payment Settings in the B2B Store. 

  7. Toggle on Enable payments for guests and click on Save Changes.

  8. From the main menu, go to the Customers tab and select Customers.

  9. Use the filters available to locate your B2B Store's selected Guest Customer (as shown in Guest Access).

  10. Using the Actions dropdown button, update the Guest Customer's Payment Type to Make Pre-Paid.

    TIP: We recommend applying Make Pre-Paid for the Guest Customer's payment type in your B2B Store, as this will help ensure Orders are securely processed and managed and reduces the risk of churn. 

  11. Once the Guest Customer's Payment Type has been updated, any Orders made within the B2B Store for guests will display the Place Order & Pay option. 

NOTE: If the selected Guest customer record is removed from Unleashed, it will remove the Guest Customer allocated in your B2B Store's settings (see B2B Store: Guest Access) and disable the guest payment setting in your B2B's Payment Settings page.

Making payments on the B2B Store

Once your customers or guests have payments enabled in your B2B Store's settings, they'll then be able to place and pay for orders via the B2B Store. Their individual ordering journey and payment process will then be determined by the Payment Type assigned to their customer detail in your B2B's settings.

Guest payment journey


  • Stripe is connected in the Payment Settings page on your B2B Store
  • In your B2B's Guest Access page, settings "Allow guests to browse store" and "Show product pricing to guests: Select guest customer" are enabled.
  • "Enable payments for guests" is toggled on in your B2B Store's Payment Settings page.

Once the pre-requisites have been met:

  1. The Guest visits your B2B Store, adding products to the cart.

  2. They will then need to select the cart icon in the top right corner, to review their current order and proceed. 

  3. Select Proceed to Order.

  4. The Guest will be asked to fill in their Shipping Address details.

  5. At the bottom of the Order Details page, the Guest will then need to select the Place Order dropdown button and then select "Place Order & Pay"

  6. The Guest will be taken to Stripe's payment page, where they can enter their payment card details and select Pay
  7. Once payment has been successfully processed, a success screen will be displayed with their B2B Order's details and payment confirmation.

  8. An email will be triggered to the guest customer with the order number and details.

Customer payment journey


  • Stripe is connected in the Payment Settings page on your B2B Store.
  • In the B2B's Product Details page, the "Display product prices" option in enabled.
  • The 'Enable payments for guest customers' option in the B2B's Payment Settings page is enabled.

Once the pre-requisites have been met:

  1. Customer logins in to your B2B Store with their unique details. 

  2. The Customer will then be able to add products to their cart, selecting the cart icon in the top right corner to review their current order and proceed. 

  3. In the cart's order page, the customer can select Proceed to Order.

  4. The Customer will be required to fill in their preferred contact email address and Shipping Address details in the Order Details page. 

  5. At the bottom of the Order Details page, the Customer will then need to select the Place Order dropdown button:
    • If they are marked as On Account, they will have the option to select either Place Order Now or Place Order & Pay. 
    • If they are marked as Pre-Paid, the customer will only see the option to Place Order & Pay. 
  6. If the customer selects Place Order & Pay, they will be taken to Stripe's payment page, where they can enter their payment card details and select Pay

  7. Once payment has been successfully processed, a success screen will be displayed with their B2B Order's details and payment confirmation.

  8. An email will be triggered to the customer with their order number and details.

Managing Stripe payments

Once a Sales Order has been processed in the B2B Store and paid for using the Stripe connection, the Sales Order will import to Unleashed with the Sales Invoice automatically marked as Completed. The completed Sales Invoice will also display a Stripe icon, to help identify those orders that have been paid. Clicking on the Stripe icon will take users to the transaction details page on Stripe.

Stripe transaction fee

For each B2B order successfully processed with a payment in Stripe there will be a 0.5% application fee + Stripe fee. Please note this is a charge dictated by Stripe, not Unleashed. 

Stripe account changes

If you wish to change the Stripe account linked to the B2B Store or to fully disconnect Stripe from your B2B store, you can do it directly in Stripe. Please visit their Help & Support pages here

B2B Payment Settings Tutorial Videos

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