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B2B Catalogues


Catalogues enable you to create custom product views for customers. You can create product catalogues and assign them to specific customers.

For example, if you want to create a New Season Sale catalogue only for a specific customer base.

Points to Note

  • The default list of products in your B2B Portal is the default/base catalogue.
  • If you want to make certain products only available on the customer catalogues, you must keep these products hidden on the default/base catalogue. If you do not mark the remaining products as Hidden on the base catalogue, they will still be available on the customer catalogue.
Product Base/Default Catalogue Status Customer Catalogue Status Comments
CHAIR Visible Not included in Customer Catalogue

This product will be displayed to all customers. If you do not want it to be displayed to the customers, you can use one of the following options:

  • Mark it as hidden on the Base Catalogue 


  • Add it to the customer catalogue and mark it as Hidden
  • You can create catalogues to include a subset of the products in the base catalogue. The status selected for the specific catalogue will override the base catalogue product status.
Base/Default Catalogue Product Status Customer Catalogue Status Comments
Hidden Sellable

This product will be displayed/sellable for the customer

Visible Hidden

This product will not be displayed for the customer

Sellable Sellable

This product will be displayed/sellable for the customer

Hidden Visible

This product will be displayed for the customer but cannot be purchased

Sellable Visible

This product will be displayed for the customer but cannot be purchased




Creating a Catalogue

  1. As a store admin go to your Store Settings page and select Catalogues under Inventory. Click Catalogues | Create Catalogue.
  2. Specify the catalogue name and click Create Catalogue. The Catalogue will be displayed in the list.

You should now assign products to the catalogue. 
To assign products or customers to a new Catalogue, click on the 0 under the respective heading. 

Assigning Individual Products to Catalogue(s)

  1. Click Products.
  2. From the line action cog for the product, click Assign Catalogues.
  3. Select the catalogue and the drop-down list to select the product status will be displayed. You can choose to display the product as:
    • Sellable (default)
    • Hidden
    • Visible
Note: The status selected for the specific catalogue will override the default product status.
  1. Click Close.

Once done the next step will be to assign customers to this catalogue.

Assigning Multiple Products to Catalogue(s)

  1. Click Products and then select the products you want to add to the catalogue.
  2. From the bulk action cog (left side), select Add To Catalogues.
  3. Hover over the catalogue and click select.
  4. You can create a new Catalogue on the fly by using the Create Catalogue option
  5. Set the status of these products on the default catalogue to Hidden, this will allow only customer assigned to the catalogue to see these products.
  6. Select the required product status from the [Assign products to selected catalogue(s) as:] drop-down list. The options are:
    • Sellable (default)
    • Hidden
    • Visible 
Note: The status selected for the specific catalogue will override the default product status.

You must now assign customers to the catalogue.


Assigning Individual Customers to Catalogue(s)

  1. Click Customers.
  2. From the line action option for the customer, click Assign Catalogues.
  3. Click the check boxes to select catalogue(s) to assign to the the customer.
  4. Click on the X or Close button to Apply.
  5. The selected customer will now be assigned to these catalogues. The customer will see all products set to Vissible or Sellable from these Catalogues plus all Products with status set to Visible or Sellable on the default catalogue. 

Assigning Multiple Customers to Catalogue(s)

  1. Click Customers and select the customers you want to add to the catalogue.
  2. From the bulk action cog, select Add To Catalogue.
  3. Hover over the catalogue and click to select.
  4. Click Apply to assign the selected customers to these catalogues.
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