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B2B Store: Product Details


Use the B2B Store's "Product Details" setting page to configure how much detail you want to display for your products in the B2B Store. You can decide how stock availability is shown to your customers on a per product and per warehouse basis, as well as determine how prices and dimensions are displayed.

The Product Details settings can be updated at any time and changes will apply as soon as they're saved. 

B2B Product Details

To access your B2B Store's Product Details settings:

  1. Go to your B2B Store and login as a Store Administrator.

  2. Select Settings, in the top right corner of the B2B Store.

  3. Select Inventory in the main menu, then click on Product Details.

Header Button descriptions

At the top of the Product Details page in your B2B Store's settings there are two buttons available to use; Preview and Save Changes.


Use the Preview button to test how your products will be displayed based on any changes you've made to the Product Details settings, before saving the changes. This will give you the opportunity to experiment with the configuration without it changing your customer's view till you're ready.

The Preview page will only display Unleashed's example product data, not your own Unleashed account's products. However, their format and layout will be shown in line with your B2B Store's Product Details configuration.

Save Changes

Use the blue Save Changes button to apply any setting update made in the Product Details page to your B2B Store. Changes will apply immediately and can be amended at any time by a Store Administrator. 


Display Settings

Use the Display Settings options to decide how your products will be shown to your customers in the B2B Store and how much detail will be populated from the product's record in Unleashed.

Display Setting Description Default setting
Custom Product Ranking Determine whether products should be displayed in order of priority (set in B2B Store: Products) in the B2B Store. Disabled (OFF)
Display images Determines whether all product images are displayed per product in the B2B Store. Enabled (ON)
Display product prices Determines whether the customer's/default price is displayed per product in the B2B Store. Disabled (OFF)
Show prices as tax inclusive Determines whether the product price displayed is inclusive of tax (see What is the Tax Hierarchy?) in the B2B Store. Enabled (ON)
Field for product title

Use the dropdown menu to determine whether the product's title is populated from either:

  • Product Code
  • Product Description
  • Code and Description
Product Code
Field for product details

Use the dropdown menu to determine whether the products details is populated from either:

  • None
  • Product Notes
Product Notes
Display unit of measure Determine whether the product's base unit of measure (including dimensions) is displayed in the B2B Store. Enabled (ON)
Default Products View

Use the dropdown menu to choose how new customers will view the Products page, either:

  • Grid
  • List

Stock Details

Use the Stock Details settings to decide how products from your inventory will be displayed based on their stock availability in Unleashed. 

Stock Detail Description Default setting
Display "Out of Stock" badges Determines whether products without any stock availability will be labelled as "Out of Stock" in the B2B Store. Disabled (OFF)
Customise "Out of Stock" badge/text Replace the "Out of Stock" text with a custom message, more suitable for your B2B Store.  Blank
Display stock counts Determines with the product's total stock availability will be displayed in the Products, Product Details and Shopping Cart pages (based on your B2B Portal's Stock configurations, see B2B Portal setup). Disabled (OFF)

Set status of Out of Stock products

When a "Sellable" product in your B2B Store is out of stock, use the dropdown menu to select a temporary alternative status:

  • Sellable
  • Visible
  • Hidden
Display stock level per warehouse Determine whether each product will display it's stock availability on a per warehouse basis. A Warehouse Stock grid will be displayed in the product's details page if enabled.  Disabled (OFF)
Display estimated date of arrival for out of stock products Determine whether the product's soonest Purchase Order's delivery date will be displayed in the B2B Store. Enabled (ON)


Managing Backorders made from the B2B Store

Allow customers to continue purchasing stock that's currently unavailable by setting the "Set status of Out of Stock products" as "Sellable". This allows you the opportunity to backfill orders for the out of stock product without missing out on any sales. 


If a product runs out of stock, and the status of the product in the B2B Store's Products page does not match the status set for "Out of stock" products in the Product Details page, the lowest valued status will be applied.

The below table shows the status hierarchy applied to out of stock products in the B2B Store:

Product Default Status Status set for Out of Stock products B2B Store Status applied
Hidden Visible/Sellable Hidden
Visible/Sellable Hidden Hidden
Visible Sellable Visible
Sellable Visible Visible


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