B2B Store: Products
FollowUse the Products page within the B2B Store's Settings to configure your inventory's visibility, descriptions, categories and stock availability in your B2B Store front.
B2B Products
To access your B2B Store's Product settings:
Go to your B2B Store and login as a Store Administrator.
Select Settings, in the top right corner of the B2B Store.
Select Inventory in the main menu, then click on Products.
Header Button descriptions
At the top of the Products page in your B2B Store's settings there are two buttons available to use; Manage Categories and Manage Catalogues.
Manage Categories
Click on Manage Categories to edit, import and create categories for your products in the B2B Store.
Categories setup within your B2B Store can be used to help your customers filter products by brand, type or any other chosen attribute. Categories in your B2B Store can be imported from your Unleashed account based on your existing Product Groups, but you also have the opportunity to create additional or alternative Categories in your B2B Store only. Categories configured in your B2B Store will not sync back to Unleashed's Product Groups, which means you have full control and flexibility of the Categories in your B2B Store.
For more details on managing Categories in your B2B Store, see B2B Store: Categories.
Manage Catalogues
Click on Manage Catalogues to edit, delete or create new Catalogues for your products and customers using the B2B Store.
Catalogues are used in the B2B Store to configure customer specific views of the products available to them in the B2B Store. When a customer's allocated to a Catalogue in the B2B Store, the products displayed to the customer when they login will depend upon products that have been made sellable or visible in that catalogue.
For more details on using Catalogues in the B2B Store, see B2B Store: Catalogues.
NOTE: Customers cannot select or view the Catalogues they have been allocated to. The Catalogues function simply defines which products the customer's able to view or buy through the B2B Store.
Filter field descriptions
In the B2B Store's Products page, you can filter to locate specific products using the following options:
- Search: Use the free text field to filter products by a partial match to their product code or description.
- Product Groups: Use the multi-select dropdown menu to filter products based on the Product Groups allocated in Unleashed.
- Product Categories: Use the multi-select dropdown menu to filter products based on the Categories they're allocated in the B2B Store.
- Product Catalogues: Use the multi-select dropdown menu to filter products based on the Catalogues they're assigned to in the B2B Store.
- Default Statuses: Use the multi-select dropdown menu to filter products based on their status in the base catalogue (Hidden, Visible or Sellable).
Header descriptions
The headers available in the B2B Store's Products page provide an overview of the products that have synced to your B2B Store:
Action Cog: Displays a checkbox per product row, allowing for the following bulk actions
- Select All
- Select None
- Make Hidden
- Make Visible
- Make Sellable
- Add to Category
- Remove from Category
- Add to Catalogues
- Remove from Catalogues
- Set Priority (Only visible when the "Custom Product Ranking" feature has been toggled On, see B2B Store: Product Details)
Bulk Action - All Pages: The following actions apply to all selected products across multiple pages:
- Make Hidden
- Make Visible
- Make Sellable
- Add to Category
- Remove from Category
- Add to Catalogues
- Remove from Catalogues
- Set Priority
- Image: Displays the default image for the product, allocated in Unleashed's product record.
- Product Code: Displays the product's Product Code.
- Product Description: Displays the product's current description in the B2B Store.
- Product Group: Displays the name of the Product Group the product's allocated to in Unleashed.
- Product Categories: Displays the name of the Categories the product's allocated to in the B2B Store.
- Product Catalogues: Displays the name of the Catalogues the product's allocated to and the status icon the product has per Catalogue in the B2B Store (S = sellable, H = Hidden, V = Visible).
- Stock Available: Displays the total quantity available for the product across all selected Warehouses.
- Display Priority: Displays the viewing priority given for the product in the B2B Store.
- Default Sell Price: Displays the product's default sell price, populated from the Sale tab in the product's record in Unleashed.
- Default Status: Displays the current status for the product in the B2B Store's base catalogue.
Action: Hover over the Action Cog to apply the following updates to the individual product in the B2B Store:
- Make Visible
- Make Sellable
- Make Hidden
- Add to Categories
- Add to Catalogues
Managing products in the B2B Store
Using the actions and editing functions available in the B2B Store's Product page you can customize and configure how your products are displayed to your customers.
Product Images in the B2B Store
If you want to display multiple images for your products in the B2B Store, you must upload the required images to the product's record in Unleashed. Any images attached to the product will automatically sync to your B2B Store and will be available to view. The product's default image will be displayed on the main product page. Once the customer clicks on a specific product when viewing the B2B Store, they can scroll through and view all the images associated with that product.
For more information, see Products: Attachments tab.
Product Descriptions for the B2B Store
By default the product's description in Unleashed will populate for the B2B Store. You can edit the Unleashed description for use in the B2B Store exclusively by clicking on the Product Description field in the B2B Store's Product page. Any updates made to the description in the B2B Store will not sync back to Unleashed's description.
NOTE: Each Product Description is a required field with a 1000 character limit. Select the "Reset to Unleashed Description" in the description's editor to restore the original product description.
Product Statuses for the B2B Store
There are three status options available per product in your B2B Store:
- Sellable: The product is available to view and purchase by customers using the B2B Store.
- Visible: The product's available to view in the B2B Store, but customers cannot purchase it.
- Hidden: The product is not available to view or purchase in the B2B Store.
The B2B Store's Products page is considered the "base catalogue" and determines each product's "Default Status" in the B2B Store. If a product is set as Sellable or Visible in the "base catalogue" but is Hidden in a custom Catalogue, the product will remain Sellable/Visible to the customer assigned to that Catalogue. If a product is set as Hidden in the "base catalogue" but is Sellable or Visible in a custom Catalogue, only customers assigned to the custom Catalogue will be able to purchase/view the product in the B2B Store.
By default, new products added to your Unleashed inventory with "Sellable" enabled in the product's record will automatically sync to your B2B Store with a Hidden status. Use the Action Cogs available in the Products page to update a product's "Default Status" as and when required.
For the first 14 days after a product's status is first updated to Sellable in the B2B Store, a NEW label will be displayed next to the product code and description.