BI Custom Dashboards
You can customise the front-page of Unleashed with Custom Dashboards.
Custom dashboards allow you to create multiple custom layouts of widgets that combine a context, a measure, and filters. This means you can add an array of widgets covering different parts of your business to give you an overview of how the company is running, or you can create a custom layout that compares the same widgets multiple times with different filters applied for comparison.
For example, you can add sales revenue for the whole company, and additional widgets per sales person for comparison.
This feature operates slightly differently to BI Foundation / Vision where you select a date range and filter dimensions on a ‘page’ level. While the non-editable Unleashed Default dashboard layout have a page level date range selection, the custom dashboards have the filter criteria applied on a per-widget basis. This will mean you can compare side by side insights, but will need to configure widgets in more detail, one by one.
Custom Dashboard uses BI Foundation and Vision data, if you would like to add BI Vision components to your custom dashboard, you will need to activate this module. Contact your administrator, who will be able to activate this module for your account.
Users will need to have permission to BI Vision and BI Foundation in order to configure widgets in Custom Dashboards.
Custom Dashboard Layout Controls
The following controls are available when using the default dashboard layout:
- Date range Selection drop down menu
- Layout Select drop down menu
- Create new Custom Dashboard layout
The following controls are available when using a custom dashboard layout:
- Enter 'edit mode'
- Set selected layout to be the default
After entering 'edit mode.' The following controls are available when editing a custom dashboard layout:
- Add new component
- Clear existing components
- Reset layout
- Layout name (required to save)
- Save layout and exit 'edit mode'
Custom Dashboard Widget Controls
While creating a new layout or editing an existing one, you can edit, clone, resize and move a widget.
- Drag-able header area to move the widget
- Clone button
- Edit widget panel
- Remove widget button
- Drag-able corner for resizing
Create Custom Widget Configuration Panel
The following controls are available in the configuration panel for new widgets:
NOTE: Not all widget types have all controls available to them. Some controls will appear dynamically depending on what is applicable.
- Surprise me button - adds a random widget configuration
- Context selector - select from parts of your business
- Measure selector - pick the metric you want to measure by
- Type selector - choose the type of widget you want to add
- Sub-Type selector - choose the dimension by which the type of widget will break down the selected measure.
- Currently added filters
- Add new filters
- Reset filters
- Customise widget title
- Date range selector
NOTE: date range selector may not be selectable for some contexts that measure in real-time, such as Stock On Hand.
Example: Sales (context) revenue (measure) charted over time (type) and broken down by sales person (sub-type) in my country (filter).
How to create a new custom dashboard layout
To create a custom dashboard:
- Optional: Select an existing layout to base your new dashboard on
- Press ‘+ Custom Dashboard’
- Optional: Use the eraser icon to clear the existing widgets
- Press '+' icon to begin adding a new widget
- Select Context
- Select Measure
- Select Type
- Select Sub-Type
- Optional: Add filters
- Select a date range
- Name your new widget with a brief description of the Measure, Filters and Date Range
- Select ‘Add to Dashboard’ to complete the process
- Arrange your widgets on the dashboard and select ‘Save’ when complete.
NOTE: Custom Dashboards cannot be shared with other users of your Unleashed account.