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Access Financials Integration Setup


Warning: The steps described in this section assumes that the pre-work steps described previously have been actioned.

Setting up the Integration

Establishing the Unleashed-Access Financials comes with minimal configuration required to start benefiting from this connection. The following steps will describe the process of selecting the appropriate Access Workspace Organisation & Access Financials Database that you wish to connect to & activating the connection.


  1. You will need to reach out to our support team to get the Access Financials integration enabled for your account. 

  2. Select the Access Financials Tile from within the integration store 

Screenshot 2023-08-09 at 11.01.02.png



3. Select the “Configuration” tab. Note: this action will trigger Unleashed to verify the authorisation to connect to Access Financials & retrieve the associated Access Workspace Organisations & Access Financials Databases.

Screenshot 2023-08-09 at 10.56.26.png

4. Select the Appropriate Region

a. APAC - Australia or New Zealand

b. UK - UK

5. Select the appropriate Access Workspace Organisation via the drop down option

6. Select the appropriate Access Financials Database via the drop down option

Screenshot 2023-08-09 at 11.14.26.png

7. Review your selection.
(Remember: Once the configuration is saved, you will need to disconnect to adjust the configuration.)

8. Select “Save Configuration & Connect”. Any new Customers, Suppliers, or Transactions will now export automatically moving forward.

Your Unleashed-Access Financials connection is now active & your now ready to enjoy the benefits of an interconnected software ecosystem!



  • Why are there no options for my Access WorkSpace Organisations?

    • This usually indicates that you Unleashed User Email Address does not match the Access User Email Address. Please review & adjust accordingly. If you still continue to see no options on this dropdown please reach out to

  • Why are there no options for my Access Financials Database?

    • Have you selected an Access Workspace Organisation first? The options for the Access Financials Database will be populated once the Access Work Space Organisation is selected. If you have selected the Access Workspace Organisation, just double check that this Organisation is the one hosting your Access Financials Database! If all these conditions are met & you still are not getting any options here please reach out to


Advanced Nominal Accounts

The Advanced Nominal Accounts configuration section will allow you to select a specific Nominal Account for Stock on Hand, Cost of Goods Sold, & Accounts Payable value.

The selected values will override the default, pre-defined, Nominal Accounts selection. This is perfect if you have Advanced Nominal Accounts enabled in your Access Financials account.

Note: an Accounts Payable selection will be utilised for Stock Journals. Please ensure that this selection is made.

To configure this area:
Screenshot 2023-08-04 at 15.18.12.png


  1. Ensure that you have an active connection to Access Financials

  2. Select “Retrieve Nominal Accounts”. This action will retrieve the accounts from the connected Access Financials Chart of Accounts setup & ensure these are presented as options to select.

  3. Choose the appropriate Stock on Hand, Cost of Goods Sold, & Accounts Payable accounts

  4. Select Save Configuration


Default Analysis Codes

Default Sales Analysis - Select a Default Sales Analysis Code to be used for all base currency Invoices & Credit Notes exported to your Access Financials Account.

Currency Defaults (click configure)- Select currency specific analysis code which will be used for Access Financials Transactions in that currency.

Screenshot 2023-08-04 at 17.14.36.png

Export Settings

Sales Toggles

Export Sales Invoices
Export Sales Journals
Export Credit Notes
Export Credit Journals
Export Customers -
When enabled, customers will be created / updated in real-time as they are saved. This setting is ignored by Export All customers in the manage your data tab. 

*Item Description
- you can select how your data is represented on your invoice's details field between these permutations:

1. Product Code
2. Description
3. Product Code and Descriptions
4. Quantity and Product Code
5. Quantity and Description
6. Quantity, Product Code and Description

The Access Financials Invoice lines' Details field are limited to 240 characters, truncation might occur reaching this character limit.

Inventory Toggles

Export Stock Adjustment Journals
Export StockTake Journals

Advanced Toggles

Enable Batch for Review

Enabling the 'Batch for review' options will allow you to create your transactions or journals in Access Financials as batched and will provide flexibility to make necessary adjustments (ie. updating nominal accounts).

The batch for review option is available for the following:

Accounts & Analysis Mapping

Screenshot 2023-08-09 at 11.25.38.png

1. Populate the accounts tab with options by going through the Accounts settings page (from Unleashed): Settings > System > Accounts OR click here

2. You might want to refresh the available accounts from the Configuration tab by clicking on Retrieve Nominal Accounts and Retrieve Analysis Codes


3. Back to the Accounts tab - you may now find and select the account you would map into.


The values will then be automatically saved and hierarchy will be applied as applicable moving forward.







Sales Orders

AF Account Mapping > Currency Mapping > Default (Home Currency) > Hardcoded value



Sales Journal


AF Account Mapping > AF Config COGS > Hardcoded value

AF Config SOH > Hardcoded value

Credit Note

AF Account Mapping > Currency Mapping > Default (Home Currency) > Hardcoded value



Credit Journal


AF Account Mapping > AF Config COGS > Hardcoded value

AF Config SOH > Hardcoded value

Stock Adjustment


AF Account Mapping > AF Config COGS > Hardcoded value

AF Config SOH > Hardcoded value



AF Account Mapping > AF Config COGS > Hardcoded value

AF Config SOH > Hardcoded value

Assembly Cost

Hardcoded Purchase Account



Assembly Journal


AF Account Mapping > AF Config COGS > Hardcoded value

AF Config SOH > Hardcoded value

Purchase Order

Hardcoded Purchase Account



Purchase Order Costs

Hardcoded Purchase Account



Recost Adjustment Journal


AF Config COGS > Hardcoded value

AF Config SOH > Hardcoded value

Supplier Returns

Hardcoded Purchase Account



Supplier Return Costs

Hardcoded Purchase Account



Supplier Return Journal


AF Config COGS > Hardcoded value

AF Config SOH > Hardcoded value

Note: CoGS for Sales Shipments and Credit Journals will currently follow AF Config COGS > Hardcoded value

Manage Your Data

The Manage Your Data tab contains the following helpful tools:

  • Export All Customers - will action a full export of all Customer records created after the connection has been created. If the Customer already exists in Access Financials, then a mapping will be established. Unleashed can recognise that the two records are the same customer by the Customer/Account Code.

  • Export All Supplier - will action a full export of all Supplier records created after the connection has been created. If the Supplier already exists in Access Financials, then a mapping will be established. Unleashed can recognise that the two records are the same supplier by the Supplier/Account Code.

Screenshot 2023-08-09 at 14.33.46.png

Warning: Do not select the Customer & Supplier export functions more than once within 10minutes. This will not initiate another export & has the potential to disrupt your connection.



You are able to disconnect your integration or connect to a different Access Financials Database from the Configuration tab. The Disconnect button to the right of the configuration box will disconnect the integration & clear any configuration selections.

Screenshot 2023-08-09 at 11.28.41.png

If you wish to reconnect to a new Access Financials Database, first Disconnect the integration via the function in the above image.

Warning: Connecting to a different Financials organisation and/or database can result in undesirable breaks in the data that is synced to your prior and new databases. Proceed with caution.

Once disconnected, visit the Overview section of the integration then jump back to the Configuration view. This will trigger the retrieval of you Access Workspace Organisation & from there, the available Access Financials Databases.


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