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Access Financials Important Points to Note



  • You can only integrate your Unleashed account with one Access Financials Database. Once you are integrated, if you wish to integrate your Unleashed account with another Access Financials Database then you must Disconnect from the Configuration page, then reconnect.

Warning: After initial set-up, connecting to a different Financials organisation and/or database can result in undesirable breaks in the data that is synced to your prior and new databases. Proceed with caution.

  • Opening Stock on Hand value will not be transferred across to Access Financials. Ensure that the Stock On Hand Nominal Account created in Access Financials has a Balance Value equal to the current Stock on Hand value seen in Unleashed. Once the connection is established & transactions are flowing to Access Financials these values will keep in sync.
  • Once connected, any new Customers or Suppliers created in Unleashed will export to Access Financials at the point of saving the details. The Unleashed CSV Import function will also trigger an export for new Customers created. A CSV Import to Unleashed to create new suppliers will not trigger an export in the same manner. To export your newly created Suppliers please use the bulk export function, or re-import the CSV file a second time.

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  • The Unleashed User Email must match your Access Financials Email if you wish to establish the Integration. For assistance in adjusting your Unleashed User Email please contact
  • Your Unleashed Base Currency must match your Access Financials Base Currency for a successful connection.
  • The Unleashed-Access Financials Integration does not support exporting Currencies & Exchange Rates. Please ensure that all Currencies & Exchange Rates in Unleashed are mirrored by a corresponding entry in Access Financials to prevent failed exports or mismatched values.
  • Your Access Financial Financial Year setting must match the Unleashed Financial Year setting, this will ensure that transaction can successfully export to Access Financials.

Keep in mind that the Unleashed Financial Year will roll over automatically at the start of the new Financial Year, as such it is advised that the End of Financial Year Processes (& Period End Processes) are finalised as close to the new financial year date as possible. A mismatch in current Financial Year will result in failed exports.

Character Limits

  • Access Financials has a 10 character limit to their Supplier & Customer Codes. Please keep this in mind when creating new records in Unleashed. Supplier & Customer records with codes larger the 10 characters will fail to export/sync.
  • Access Financials has a 4 character limit to their Tax Codes. Please keep this in mind when creating & applying Tax Codes to an Unleashed transaction. Records & Transactions with an applied Tax that has a Tax Code greater then 4 will fail to export/sync
  • The VAT Registration Number field for Customers & Suppliers is restricted to a 9 Character Limit in Access Financials for UK Customers & Suppliers only. UK Customers/Suppliers with a VAT Registration Number higher then 9 Characters in Unleashed will fail to export to Access Financials.

Please avoid entering your UK VAT Registration Number with the designated VAT Country Code e.g GB999 9999 99

  • The Description Field within the Access Financials Invoice & Purchase Orders will Host the Unleashed Transaction Number & Transaction Reference for the first 30 Characters due to the Character Limits within Access Financials
  • Access Financials has a 35 Character Limit for Country. This could result in a failed export for Customers, Suppliers, & Transactions if the country noted has more than 35 Characters. Please keep this in mind when creating Customers, Suppliers, or Transactions in Unleashed via our API. Avoid using the following listed Countries within Unleashed:
    • Congo, the Democratic Republic of the
    • Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of
    • Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of
    • South Georgia and the Southern Sandwich Islands
    • United States minor Outlying Islands


  • The Unleashed-Access Financials Integration does not support exporting products. Instead of using the products inside Access Financials Stock Module, Unleashed will send the product information through as a Text Line or to the Details inline field (depending on the transaction).
  • As the integration is One-Way at this stage, Unleashed will not keep track of the changes made inside Access Financials. For example, if you adjust a transactions details in Access Financials, then these changes will not be synced back to Unleashed. We would advise against this as this will immediately put the systems out of sync.
  • Access Financials does not allow Customer or Supplier Account Codes to be amended, as such using the Unleashed Change Code functionality will immediately cause a disconnect between the Unleashed Customer/Supplier Record & it’s Access Financials counterpart.

If a mistake has been made or the client wishes to change their Customer/Supplier Account Codes please Delete/Obsolete the records in Unleashed &/or Access Financials. If a new record is made in Unleashed that matches an existing record in Access Financials this will be mapped.

Warning: Avoid using the Unleashed Customer or Supplier Change Code Functions!

  • Once connected, all “open” existing transactions & new transactions created in Unleashed after the time of connection will export to Access Financials. Existing Completed/Dispatched/Receipted transactions will not be exported.
  • Transactions will be exported in the Currency assigned to it in Unleashed. This will be converted back to your Base currency in Access Financials using the exchange rate set on the Unleashed Transaction.
  • Unleashed will post transactions & their values to specific pre-set Stock On Hand, Cost of Goods Sold, & Sales Nominal Accounts with respect to a hierarchy. However Unleashed will not create these accounts in Access Financials. These Nominal Accounts will need to be created in your Access Financials Account prior to establishing the connection if you don't plan on utilising the Account/Analysis Mapping functionalities.
Nominal Account Name  Account Type  “Major Heading”  Nominal Code
Stock on Hand  Current/Intangible Asset  9 9000
Cost of Goods Sold  Expense/Cost of Sales  2 2000
Sales  Revenue/Sales  1 1000
  • Unleashed will post transactions & their values to specific Analysis Codes if Account/Analysis Mapping has not been set. Please ensure that an Analysis Code is created for each currency used in both the Creditor & Debtor sections with the following naming conventions:
    • Debtors - 1000(insert currency code here) - e.g 1000GBP
    • Creditors - 2000(insert currency code here) - e.g 2000AUD
  • Note: Journals with a $/£0.00 value of movement from SOH & a $/£0.00 value of movement too COGS will not be exported. However, as these would have no effect on these accounts anyway, this will not impact your data
  • To ensure a successful connection:
    • DO NOT adjust or remove the System Admin (User ID: SA) user in Access Financials which MUST HAVE the “Administrator profile
    • DO NOT disable the Purchase Order setting for the “Administrator profile” in Access Financials
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