After the WooCommerce Integration
FollowWorkflows for Unleashed's WooCommerce integration
Workflows for Unleashed's WooCommerce integration
The following processes are base examples that demonstrate how WooCommerce aims to sync with Unleashed after the integration is activated.
Manage Products synced with WooCommerce
Once integrated with WooCommerce, products sync as follows:
- All products created in Unleashed with the setting "Sellable" enabled will sync to WooCommerce.
- When a new "sellable" product is added to Unleashed it will automatically export to create a new product in WooCommerce. If the new product code matches an existing SKU in WooCommerce, the integration will sync the newly added product to the existing SKU.
- Changes or edits made to a "sellable" product in Unleashed will not sync or update the SKU's record in Woocommerce.
NOTE: The exception to this is edits made to the Product Code in Unleashed, at which point a new mapping will be exported to WooCommerce. - Products created or edited in WooCommerce do not sync to Unleashed.
Product pricing with WooCommerce
A condition for integrating with the eCommerce Hub's WooCommerce integration is that the Product Prices in WooCommerce must be Tax Inclusive. Unleashed's integration has been built to accommodate this format with processes in place to convert back to the Unleashed's Tax Exclusive format. If WooCommerce is not set to show "Tax Inclusive" pricing, Sales Orders may fail to import from WooCommerce or the imported Sales Order totals could be incorrect.
Tax Types in WooCommerce: WooCommerce tax on Sales will need to be one tax rate per order line & non-Compounded (e.g Australian Wine and Exise (WET) tax). This allows us to adhere to current Unleashed functionality.
Tax Codes: Tax Codes in Unleashed will need to match exactly with WooCommerce's taxes in order for a successful import Sales Orders.
Reporting: Unleashed Tax Exclusive reports will need to match the WooCommerce Tax Inclusive reports (sub-totals).
Manage Stock on Hand availability
Changes made to your inventory's "Available" quantity in Unleashed will periodically export to WooCommerce (15 minute intervals), making Unleashed the master of your inventory. As such, all inventory management and reporting should be completed in Unleashed.
It is recommended that you do not make any manual changes to Stock Quantities in WooCommerce directly.
SOH Count
Once a mapping has been established between an Unleashed Product and WooCommerce SKU, stock availability will export from Unleashed to WooCommerce based on the "SOH Count" setting selected in WooCommerce configurations. The product's "Available" quantity in Unleashed will export to the SKU's "Stock Quantity" field in WooCommerce, where a product's "Available" quantity is calculated based on the following rules:
Product type in Unleashed | "SOH Count" exported to WooCommerce |
"Sellable" product | Stock On Hand quantity - Allocated quantity |
"Sellable" and "Assembled" product, with a Bill of Materials that has "Can Auto-Assemble" enabled |
Stock On Hand quantity + Can Assemble quantity - Allocated quantity |
NOTE: The "Can Assemble" quantity included is dependent upon the component product's availability within the integration's enabled warehouses. Only updates made to the stock on hand and allocated quantities (not Can Assemble quantity) will trigger a SOH Count's export to WooCommerce.
The following transactions in Unleashed can trigger a stock update to export to WooCommerce:
- Receipting Purchases Orders
- Dispatching Sales Shipments
- Completing Assemblies or Disassemblies
- Completing Stock Adjustments (Only Stock Adjustments with a Qty greater than 1)
Manage Customers imported from WooCommerce
Customers will be mapped to Unleashed only at the point of Sales Order import from WooCommerce. At this stage, the integration will identify if the WooCommerce Customer matches an existing Unleashed Customer record to establish a mapping using the following criteria:
Unleashed Customer Name = WooCommerce Customer First Name + Last Name
Unleashed Customer Contact Email = WooCommerce Customer Email
- If the integration matches the WooCommerce Customer with an existing Unleashed Customer: no changes will be made to the customer.
- If the WooCommerce Customer matches the Guest Customer: no changes are made to the "Guest Account Mapping" allocated in WooCommerce Integration Setup.
- If no Customer in Unleashed matches the WooCommerce Customer's criteria: a new Customer will be created in Unleashed using the WooCommerce Customer's details (table below). The following naming structure will be used when the integration creates a new Customer in Unleashed: Prefix "WOO"-Store domain name-WooCommerce Customer ID eg.
There is no ongoing Customer synchronisation between Unleashed and WooCommerce. Any edits made to a mapped Customer in Unleashed will not sync to update the WooCommerce Customer, and vice versa.
Manage Sales Orders imported from WooCommerce
If a WooCommerce Order has imported to Unleashed, but changes have since been to the order in WooCommerce, those changes will not sync to the existing Sales Order in Unleashed and vice versa. Similarly, the WooCommerce Order cannot be imported again through the integration to replace the original Sales Order in Unleashed. Best practice is to delete or credit the originally imported Sales Order and create a new order in WooCommerce to import.
Refunds processed in WooCommerce do not sync with Unleashed through the integration. A Credit Note must be manually processed in Unleashed to account for any refunds processed in WooCommerce. For more details, see Add a Credit Note.
WooCommerce Order's importing behaviour
- In WooCommerce, an order is created for your stock.
- When the WooCommerce Order is updated to "Processing" status, the order imports to Unleashed as a new Sales Order.
NOTE: The Sales Order will import and allocate stock from the warehouse allocated in the integrations "Order Warehouse Mapping" setting. - Unleashed will attempt to create the Sales Order with the "Unleashed Order Status" allocated in the WooCommerce configuration settings:
- Parked
- Placed
- Completed: if there is not enough stock to fulfil and complete the Sales Order upon import, the Sales Order status will default to Parked status.
- Stock on Hand Availability in Unleashed decreases by the WooCommerce Order's quantity.
- The allocated/dispatched product's updated Stock on Hand availability will export to WooCommerce.
WooCommerce Order Status
Sales Orders will import automatically from WooCommerce to Unleashed based on the WooCommerce Order Status “Processing”. Once the WooCommerce Order is saved with the "Processing" status on the integration will import it and create a new Sales Order in Unleashed. The eCommerce Hub's WooCommerce integration will sync Sales Orders every 15 minutes.
When using the "Import Missing Orders" function within the Data Management tab is used, the integration will review WooCommerce Orders with the status “Processing” and "Completed".
The Customer allocated to a Sales Order created from the WooCommerce integration will depend on the following criteria:
- The WooCommerce Customer matches an existing Unleashed Customer: The existing Unleashed Customer will be allocated to the Sales Order.
- The WooCommerce Customer does not match an existing Unleashed Customer: A new Customer will be created in Unleashed and the Sales Order will be allocated to the new Unleashed Customer.
- There is no WooCommerce Customer identified in the WooCommerce Order: The "Guest Customer" allocated in the integration's "Guest Account Mapping" will be used to import the Sales Order.
Discounts will be displayed in Unleashed Sales Orders as a percentage on a per order line basis. Unleashed's integration will identify the appropriate percentage discount to apply by comparing the WooCommerce Sales Sub-Total incl. discount to the Sub-Total exc. discount.
WooCommerce support 4 types of discount. The following 3 discounts in WooCommerce will be managed in Unleashed by converting the discount into a percentage discount per Order Line basis in the Unleashed's Sales Order:
- Fixed Cart Discount: An Overall currency Discount applied to the WooCommerce Order. Currency value discount is dictated by the WooCommerce Admin.
- Percentage Discount: A percentage-based discount over the whole order. Percentage value is dictated by the WooCommerce Admin.
- Fixed Product Discount: A fixed-value discount applied to a product or group of products, determine by the WooCommerce Admin.
The 4th discount is a front page discount only, for example “was 2k, now only 1.8k!”. This “discount” will be treated like an un-discounted line price and will show on the Unleashed Sales Order as simply “1.8k” (using the previous example).
Charge Lines
In some cases there may be a variance between WooCommerce's sub-totals and Unleashed's calculated sub-totals for the same Sales Order. These variances are usually caused by differences in rounding between the two systems. As such, "Rounding" charge lines will be applied to imported WooCommerce Sales Orders in Unleashed to ensure totals match between the systems.
The taxes that apply to Sales Orders created in Unleashed from WooCommerce will always align with how the taxes have been applied in WooCommerce, regardless of the tax rates assigned at the customer or product level in Unleashed.
Ensure the required taxes and tax rates have been accurately setup and allocated in the WooCommerce store match the taxes and rates that have been created in Unleashed (see Taxes), and upon import each Sales Order will be created with the appropriate tax per Sales Order and Charge line.
For more details on managing taxes in WooCommerce, see Setting up Taxes in WooCommerce.
Field Mappings
Unleashed Product | WooCommerce SKU |
Guid | id |
ProductCode |
sku |
ProductDescription | name |
Product Notes | description |
AvailableQty (or "Stock on Hand" - "Allocated Qty" + "Can Assemble" based on components when products are Auto-Assembled) | stock_quantity |
Images | Not Available |
Weight | weight |
Width | dimensions {width} |
Height | dimensions {height} |
Depth | dimensions {length} |
NeverDiminishing | mange_stock |
Unleashed Customer | WooCommerce Customer |
CustomerCode | WOO-(store-domain-name)-(customer_id) |
CustomerName | first_name + last_name |
Contact First Name | first_name |
Contact Last Name | last_name |
Street Address | shipping.address_1 |
Street Address2 | shipping.address_2 |
City | |
Region | shipping.state |
Country | |
PostalCode | shipping.postcode |
PhoneNumber | phone |
Notes | role (read-only) |
Sales Orders
Unleashed Sales Orders | WooCommerce Sales Orders |
Guid | id |
OrderNumber | number |
CurrencyCode | currency |
OrderDate | date_created |
OrderQuantity | quantity |
DeliveryStreetAddress | address_1 |
DeliveryStreetAddress2 | address_2 |
DeliveryCity | city |
DeliveryRegion | state |
DeliveryCountry | country |
DeliveryPostCode | postcode |
SalesOrderLines - TaxRate | Order - Line items properties |
SalesOrderLines - LineTax | taxes |
LineTaxCode | rate_code |
TaxTotal | total_tax |
TaxRate | tax_class |