Shopify Product Synchronization
FollowSave time and ensure consistency across your Shopify and Unleashed integration by defining how your product details should be synced. When a "master" is selected within your Shopify integration's configuration, any updates made to the product details in that system will automatically export to the other, making the same update to match.
Points to note
- Stock on Hand (SOH) will always be managed by Unleashed regardless of which system is set as the "master". If a product is ticked in the Manage your Products page and Export Stock on Hand to Shopify is enabled in the Stock Configuration settings, the product's available stock quantities will export from Unleashed to Shopify. If a product is not ticked in Manage your Products it's stock availability will not export.
- Draft and Archived products in Shopify will import to Unleashed when selecting "Import Products from Shopify to Unleashed" in Manage your Data, regardless of the chosen "master".
- You can select either Unleashed or Shopify as master for Product Synchronization, or you can disable Product Synchronization so that neither system is master.
- Shopify cannot be set as master if more than one Shopify store is integrated with your Unleashed account.
The following product details can be synced across the Shopify integration, depending upon your selected configuration settings:
Unleashed field Shopify field Product Description Product Title Product Notes Body (HTML) Product Group Product Type Weight Weight Barcode Barcode Default Image Product Image
Product Synchronization options
Unleashed as Master
- The Product Details in Unleashed will overwrite the Product Details in Shopify
- For a single Shopify store: Creating a Product in Unleashed will automatically create a Product Record in Shopify under the same Product Code
- For multiple Shopify stores: Creating a Product in Unleashed will NOT automatically export the Product to Shopify. The Product will need to be ticked in the Manage your Products page per Shopify store
- Deleting the Product in Unleashed (given no prior transaction history) will delete the Product in Shopify
- The Product Pricing exported to Shopify is determined by the Sell Price Tier selected in the Configuration.
- Please note: Unleashed is only able to export a single Default Product Image to Shopify
Shopify as Master
Allocating Shopify as Master in your store's configuration is only available when one Shopify store is integrated with your Unleashed account.
- The Product Details in Shopify will overwrite the Product Details in Unleashed
- Creating the Product in Shopify will create a Product Record in Unleashed using the Product SKU from Shopify as the Product Code as soon as it's saved in Shopify
- Deleting the Product in Shopify will delete the Product in Unleashed (given no prior transaction history)
- The Product Pricing is dictated by Shopify and will populate the Sell Price Tier selected in the Configuration
- The Primary Product Image will import to Unleashed as the Product's Default Product Image
- Product Variants require their own unique individual SKUs to create a Product Record in Unleashed.
- If the setting "Charge tax on this product" is disabled within a SKU in Shopify the product's Default Sales Tax in Unleashed will update to the No Tax 0% (NONE) tax rate.
Product Synchronization Disabled
- Changes in Unleashed will not overwrite Shopify (vice-versa)
- Each system is managed separately
- Product Records will remain independent. Product updates will need to be made to Unleashed and Shopify
- Deleting a Product in one system will not delete the product in the other system
- Product Creation in one system will not automatically create the Product in another.
- Product pricing is managed and specified per system
For more information on our Field Mappings, please see After the Shopify Integration.
Manage Product Synchronization
To update your Shopify store's Product Synchronization settings:
- From the main menu in Unleashed, select eCommerce Hub, Shopify and click on Configure in the Shopify store's tile.
- In the Configuration tab, locate the Product Synchronization section.
- Use the toggle available to enable (green) or disable (grey) Product Synchronization.
- When enabled, choose from one of the following options:
- Unleashed is Master
- Shopify is Master
- Click on Configure, next to Advanced Settings to choose which of the available product details will sync from the master system. If toggled on (green) the selected detail will be synced when the product's updated or saved in the master system.
- Click on Save Configuration at the bottom of the Configuration tab to apply the updated settings.