Change Log - 2022
FollowChange Log - 2022
Monday 12 December
View Products Page – On Purchase field added
On Purchase quantity has been added to the Hidden Columns. Click on "Show toolbar" and "Hidden Columns" should you wish to drag and drop it into your grid.
Product Import/Export templates - Default Purchase Unit
The Default Purchase Unit field will update or create a new unit via the import.
Purchase Order Receipting - Bin Location
The Bin Location field has been added to the Purchase Order receipting grid to assist with receipting your inward goods.
Prospect CRM SSO & SSU
Interested in checking out Prospect CRM and the Integration to Unleashed?
We've made it super easy to test this out with a new seamless Single Sign Up process where you can quickly whip up a free trial of Prospect with the Unleashed Integration automatically set up for you.
Existing Prospect Users will be able to quickly access their Prospect account via a Single Sign On process making jumping between systems easy & seamless!
For more information - Prospect CRM & Unleashed
Tuesday 6 December
Product Import/Export templates - Unit of Measure
A Unit of Measure field has been added to the Product Suppliers and Supplier Quantity Prices templates.
View Products Page - updates to columns
Default Purchase Unit has been added to the Hidden Columns. Click on "Show toolbar" and "Hidden Columns" should you wish to drag and drop it into your grid. Product Unit, Pack Size and Barcode have been renamed to include "Base" for clarity when using multiple units for products.
Deleted Shipments excluded from bulk print actions
Deleted shipments will no longer print when bulk printing Picklists, Ship Notes or Commercial Invoices from the View Shipments page, as well as Packing Slips from the View Sales Order Page.
These can still be printed if necessary from the individual action cog on the right of the page.
Tuesday 29 November
Backorder Enquiry - Order Status filter
The Backorder Enquiry now includes any custom sales order statuses you my have in the "Order Status" drop down list.
Wednesday 23 November
Edit Purchase Order Cost Date
The cost date for Supplier costs on open Purchase Orders is now an editable field.
Create Shipments in bulk (View Sales Order)
The View Sales Order screen now has a brand new bulk action, Create Shipments!
This function will allow you to create Shipments for multiple Sales Orders in one fell swoop. For more information on the functionality of this feature & its interaction with other feature visit the Create and Maintain Shipments help file.
Tuesday 15 November
Auto-Assembly for Batch & Serial Tracked Products (Iteration 2)
In the second iteration of this new feature, we're cutting down even more time when processing quick Assemblies. You can now Automatically Assign the Oldest Batch/Serial number to the Component Products within your Automatic Assemblies.
Simply enable the Auto Assign Oldest Batch/Serial configuration within your Bill of Materials
Batch/Serial Numbers created via the Auto-Assembly for the new Assembled Product Stock will automatically be assigned to Sales Order line upon completion of the Auto-Assembly.
Monday 2 November
API update - edit/add serial numbers on Sales Shipments
(released 2 November - see API Change Log)
The Sales Shipment API now mirrors the behaviour of the Unleashed UI by permitting the updating of serials numbers on Sales Shipments.
Friday 21 October
Report Enquiries - partial matching for reference fields
(released 19 October)
The following enquiries now support partial matching on the reference fields:
Shipment Enquiry (Customer Reference and Tracking Number)
Sales Enquiry (Customer Reference)
Quote Enquiry (Customer Reference)
Transaction Enquiry (Reference)
Purchase Enquiry (Supplier Reference)
Wednesday 19 October
Business intelligence - BI Vision | Customize your page - Improvements
We made some updates to this great feature.
Now you can personalize your custom layout even more. When creating a new layout give it a unique name or rename your existing custom layouts. (Note: Your custom layout name is limited to 20 characters.)
You can also Delete any custom layouts if you no longer need them.
Monday 10 October
Business intelligence - BI Vision | Customize your page
BI Vision pages for Purchases, Inventory, Production, Sales, and Customers have been updated to allow users, with permission, to customize the layout. Users can now:
- Create up to 3 custom layouts per user per context,
- Add/Remove components (KPIs, Dimensions, and Timeline charts),
- Move and resize components,
- Set a custom layout as your default layout,
- Bookmark your custom layouts.
Please note:
- Custom layouts are private per user and cannot be shared with others.
- Demo and Partner Accounts only see Demo BI data and will see 3 pre-defined custom layouts per context. You can modify but cannot save these pre-defined layouts.
- We are working on making this feature available on the main dashboard of Unleashed.
Monday 3 October
Auto-Assembly for Batch & Serial Tracked products
The Auto-Assembly feature is now available to be applied to your Bill of Materials containing/for Batch or Serial Tracked Products. To apply this feature to your BOMs, simply enable the configuration "Can Auto-Assemble" from within your BOM.
For more information on the Auto-Assembly feature please review this handy guide.
Points to Note:
- The Auto-Disassembly feature is still unavailable for Batch or Serial tracked products.
- The Batch & Serial numbers for your Assembled or Component products will not be automatically assigned. These will need to be selected manually before an Auto-Assembly can be completed (or SO completed)
Wednesday 21 September
B2B - Customer Specific Payment Options
Upfront payment is so incredibly important in a Post-Covid world where Cash is King!
Now you will be able to assign specific payment journeys to individual customers allowing you to reward your good debtors with payment options whilst ensuring you’re “not so good” customers pay upfront.
Wednesday 14 September
Multiple Units of Measure for Purchasing
Streamline Purchasing by creating additional units of measure for your products. For supporting documents and videos, please visit Multiple Units of Measure.
Monday 12 September
File Library (central access)
This latest update streamlines file storage by giving you a single page were you can upload, view and attach files in bulk. For more information visit File Library.
File Library - additional filetypes supported
The following filetypes can be uploaded via the Attachments tabs or File Library:
png .gif .jpg .jpeg .bmp .webp .csv .pdf .doc .xls .xlsx .docx .msg .dwg .stp .dxf .ppt .pptx
Monday 22 August
Access the Change Log (this page) from within Unleashed
You can now check our latest software releases from within Unleashed. Click on the (?) in the red ribbon menu and select "Change Log". This will open our Change Log in a new tab.
B2B - Display 8x Popular Categories on your Home Page
We have increased the available Popular Category spots for your Home Page from 4x Categories to 8x Categories giving you more choice on the Categories you would like to encourage your customers to review.
We've also introduced a new display size for the Category tiles to ensure that your Customer doesn't need to scroll for hours to reach the additional Categories. If 5 or more Categories are selected then the new compact display size will be utilised.
Information Pop-ups will appear when you hover your mouse over the tile ensuring your customer will always be able to read the full name of your category
Reports - Stock Movement Enquiry - New version.
A new version of the Stock Movement Enquiry report has been released. This new version utilises the Business Intelligence data to improve response times for generating this report.
This report is available under Reports | Inventory | Stock Movement.
The first time you run this report could still take a little longer but any subsequent report runs will be much faster than the previous version of this report.
With this new version, we also added a new Product Group filter.
NOTE: Running the report for a longer period could result in a failed report on the first load.
Monday 15 August
Minimum Order Value Limit for Sales Orders & Converting Quotes
The new Minimum Order Value Limit configuration is now available for you to apply via your Company Configuration Settings (Setting > Organisation > Company > Configuration (tab)).
Enabling this setting & defining a Minimum Order Value will trigger a Pop-up warning to alert the user when they attempt to Complete a Sales Order or Convert a Quote to a Sales Order. This will encourage your users to process orders over the set limit.
B2B - Feedback Button Update
Feedback is important, but not more important then your B2B store! No longer will you experience the frustration of a bulky feedback button obstructing important areas. We've adjusted the Size, functionally, & positioning of the B2B Feedback Button to reduce the likelihood of this, whilst maintaining easy access to the suggestion box
Monday 8 August
Customer search improvement
Narrow down your list of customers with two new search fields available on the view customer page; search by Email Address or Postal Code.
Product search improvement
The product search field on Purchase Orders, Stock Counts, Credit Notes, and Sales Quotes has been updated to include product description, product image, and product availability as you type.
Monday 1 August
Send PO Cost Date - Xero
The cost date entered in Unleashed will now be sent to Xero.
As a result of this, if that date differs from the supplier invoice date in the PO, a separate bill will now be created and exported to Xero for the purchase costs.
Previously, regardless of what the cost date was set, when the order was completed or receipted in Unleashed, the date sent to Xero for the costs reflected the supplier invoice date and would therefore be included in the same bill.
To ensure only one bill gets passed through to Xero for a PO, you will need to ensure that the cost date is the same as the supplier invoice date.
Monday 25 July
Product Synchronization - Amazon
You can now have the option to disable product synchronization between Amazon and Unleashed.
Note:Product description will always sync for the initial Import/Export of new products between systems.
B2B - Minimum Order Value Limit
This feature will allow B2B Admins to set a Minimum Order Value Limit. Orders with a Sub-Total value less then the value set will not be permitted to be placed via the B2B Portal.
For more details on the functionality & conditions for the new Minimum Order Value Limit feature please visit - B2B Store - Store Settings tab
Monday 18 July
Add attachments to your transaction emails
You can now add previously uploaded and attached files to your emails. For more information please see File Library.
Automatic Batch and Serial Number Assignment - Amazon
Users with Amazon Fulfilled by Merchant store(s) and batch/serialised products will be able to make the system automatically assign batches and/or serial numbers to orders, which will reduce the manual steps of the order-fulfillment process.
Business Intelligence - BI Vision | Inventory
We updated the Product Type dimension by removing Never Diminishing Products as they never have Stock on Hand Values.
Monday 11 July
Adding a Sales Order - New lightbulb icon next to the Customer name.
This new BI-powered feature gives you access to rich insights into your customers’ buying habits on the fly – so you can decide on what to up-sell and cross-sell straight from your Sales Orders.
After you have added your customer to the Sales Order you’ll now see a lightbulb icon next to your customer’s name. Hover over this icon and a floating box will appear with some contact information of that customer and their top 10 products purchased for the last 12 months.
For even deeper insights, click on the ‘Explore more with Business Intelligence’ hyperlink in the window to view your BI Vision Sales page in a new tab. (Your account needs to be subscribed to the BI Vision module and your user role needs permission to access this page.)
Monday 27 June
Document Designer - remove blank address lines
Get rid of blank address lines using the "Remove Blank Address Lines" component now available under Basic Components in the Doc Designer Toolbox. Simply drag and drop the component onto the address area in your template and resize it to cover the address lines. For additional information please visit Doc Designer
Email Templates - Attach File
Attach a default file to your email template(s) to send with your transactions. For additional information, please visit "Email Templates" in Company Settings
Monday 20 June
Document Designer - Serial and Batch numbers available on all gridlines
Serial and Batch numbers have been added to the following template gridlines:
Credit Notes
Packing Slips
Ship Notes
Warehouse Transfers
For additional information, please visit Doc Designer
Sales Quote - link to Sales Order
You can now link to a Sales Order from your Sales Quote (if any). The first Sales Order reference number is displayed in the header. If there are multiple Sales Orders associated with the Sales Quote, click on "Sales Order Number" for a list of all orders.
For additional information, please visit Add Sales Quote
View Products - default pricing added to hidden columns
Add Default Purchase Price and/or Default Sell Price to the View Products grid from the hidden columns on the toolbar.
For additional information, please visit Manage and View Products
Shopify - Option for Fulfilment Email Notification
You will now have the option to choose if a "Shipping Update" notification email is triggered when Unleashed updates or fulfils an Order in Shopify. This email will be sent via Shopify to your customer based on the template assigned within Shopify's Notification Settings.
For more information please visit Shopify Integration Setup
B2B - "Jump to page" Functionality
The B2B store will now offer multiple page numbers with the option to select a specific page to "Jump to" & the option to input a specific page number to visit.
B2B - Page Number Size Improvement
The B2B Products Page now has new size options which you & your customers can utilise to ensure the page being viewed has the appropriate amount of products displayed on it.
These new page size options are 20, 40, 60, & 100 products per page.
B2B - new "Optional" tags added to the Request Access form
The text "Optional" has been added to all optional Fields within the Request Access Form. Your potential customers will no longer be forced to fill out all the new information input fields within this form. This should save any confusion in this area & prevent any blockers to sell to your new clients!
Thursday 9 June
Business Intelligence - BI Vision | Inventory
Some of the KPIs on the BI Vision inventory page now also include the number of units these values represents. This is very useful to see the number of units when you select a specific product or product group.
Select a Product from the Product dimension at the bottom of the page, now you can see the SOH value of this product and the number of units you have for this product.
Quantities are also available on the following KPIs: Allocated stock value; Available stock value; Open Purchase Order value and Backorders value.
With the new 'sticky' KPIs you can scroll down to the bottom of the page and select any other product or Product Group to see the value and number of units in these KPIs, adding so much more Insights to the page.
Business Intelligence - BI Vision | Sales - "FreeCredits"
On the BI Vision Sale page, you will find a dimension showing your Sales Revenue measures per Transaction Type. In the past, all credits were grouped under one label. With the latest improvement, we now have split this group into FreeCredits and normal Credits linked to Sales Invoices. Now it is easy to see which customers received free products, just select your timeframe and click on the FreeCredits label in the Chart.
If you want to see the total value of all credits simply use the Task menu on the chart to multi-select Credits and FreeCredits from the list and apply the filter.
Wednesday 18 May
API - Products Endpoint
New validation was introduced to the POST Products endpoint. For further information see the API Change Log.
Business Intelligence - BI Vision | Targets and Tracking
We made some changes to the grid layout and added a new column to indicate the selected year's sales values, helping you to easily review your targets for the current period. Go in and have a look.
Business Intelligence - BI Vision | Notification rules
The success notifications, indicating to users that their changes were saved successfully, now will auto dismiss if you click anywhere on the page, click to add a new rule or edit an existing rule, making it less painful to edit BI notification rules.
Main Dashboard
A new BI UI page for the main dashboard has been released, replacing the previous BI dashboard page. This is in preparation for making BI dashboards customisable. Soon users, with permission, will be able to change the layout of the page, add more relevant BI KPIs to the page or remove KPIs not applicable.
Wednesday 11 May
Business Intelligence - BI Vision | UX improvement - "Sticky" KPIs
We are super excited to announce this great improvement to our BI Vision Pages. Previously when viewing the bottom dimensions of a BI Vision page, the KPI values and filters on the page were invisible to you, you had to scroll to the top of the page to view them or select a different measure.
Now with the latest BI UI we made the KPIs and cross-filters "sticky" so that when you scroll down to the bottom of the page you can still see a smaller version of the KPIs and the filters you applied to the page.
Collapse or expand this panel, just click on the small arrow, always visible when you are at the bottom of the page. Go into Unleashed and try it out, just click here.
Tuesday 10 May
Purchase Order Lines Grid
You can now customise the purchase order lines grid by hiding any or all of the fields below and saving your grid layout.
- Image
- Supplier Product Code
- Delivery Date
- Unit Cost
- Costing Total
- Total Unit Cost
- Landed Cost
Business Intelligence - Production(Assemblies).
A new BI UI page for Production has been released, replacing the previous BI Production page and now also offers the ability to share these pages using the screenshot feature.
Business Intelligence: BI - Vision | Targets and Tracking page.
A new "Go to Vision Plus" button has been added to the Targets page allowing users, with permission, to easily navigate to the Vision Plus page. The system will also remember the measure you were viewing and auto-select on the Vision Plus page.
Tuesday 26 April
Business Intelligence - Purchases.
A new BI UI page for Purchases has been released, replacing the previous BI Purchases page and now also offers the ability to share these pages using the screenshot feature.
Business Intelligence - Purchases Vision.
The Vision Purchases KPIs showing the number of purchase orders have been updated to also show the quantity (number of units) ordered, received, or returned.
Monday 28 March
Product Unit of Measure changes:
In preparation for multiple units of measure for purchasing, unit of measure has been added to the Products | Purchases tabs. These are display only and default to the unit of measure recorded against the Product.
There is also a small change to the Product Unit of Measure validation - the Product's unit of measure can remain blank, however, once you assign a unit of measure to a product, you cannot clear the unit back to null. As a workaround, you can create a unit of measure called "None" or "N/A" and assign that unit to the Product instead.
Business Intelligence - Inventory.
A new BI UI page for Inventory has been released and now also offers the ability to make and share a screenshot of the page.
Business Intelligence (BI Vision) - Inventory: New Dimension.
A great new dimension for Product Type has been added to the BI Vision Inventory page. This visualisation will be super handy to filter on specific product types such as components or assembled products. Note: that most products have more than 1 product type so a product could be Assembled, Serialized, and Sellable as in the example below.
Business Intelligence (BI - Vision Plus Sales) - Edit Targets.
A new "Edit Targets" button has been added to the page allowing users with permission to navigate to the targets and tracking page using one click. For users with read-only access to the Targets page, this button will read "View Targets" (Read more about Vision Plus - Targets and Tracking here.)
Monday 14 March
Business Intelligence (BI - Vision Plus) - Notification Management.
The BI notification functionality, on the BI Targets and Tracking page, has been updated so that Partner account holders can now also be selected as recipients for existing and new notification rules.
Wednesday 9 March
Business Intelligence (BI - Vision) - Sales.
We added a current period trend line to the timeline chart on the BI Vision page so now BI Vision subscribers can easily see the trend of sales over time. With cross-filtering available on the page, users can easily select a Product or Product Group and view the Sales trend over time.
Wednesday 2nd March
The first release for our "File Library" feature now provides an "Attachments" tab on Customer, Supplier and several transaction types. For additional information please refer to File Library.
Monday 28th February
GET Suppliers API
New filter and new fields available for GET Suppliers. See our API Change Log for details.
Business Intelligence (BI) - New BI UI for Sales and Customers
We are introducing a new and improved BI UI to the Sales and Customers BI pages. Over the next few months, we will also replace the BI pages for Inventory, Purchases, and Production.
What has changed?