Purchase Order Statuses
Additional customised Purchase Order Statuses can be added to your System Settings to assist you with tracking and managing your Purchases.
Unleashed offers the following fixed Purchase Order Statuses:
- Unapproved
- Parked
- Placed
- Costed
- Receipted
- Completed
- Deleted
You can create up to 10 custom purchase order statuses to streamline your operation and to save you time by being able to focus on a particular status.
Note: Custom purchase orders statuses are an extension of the PLACED status.
Role Permission
To add and update Purchase Order Statuses, enable the permission for the User's role.
Adding a Purchase Order Status
- Go to Settings | System | Purchase Order Statuses
- In the Custom Statuses Name field, type a name for your status (up to 15 characters)
- Choose a Color to represent your status
- Click Add.
Editing a Purchase Order Status
- Go to Settings | System | Purchase Order Statuses
- Click in the Name to update the text
- Click the Color to change it
- Obsolete a Custom Status if you no longer want it available for selection on a Purchase Order (note: these statuses will still show in this list, but will not be available for use elsewhere)
- Delete a Custom Status if it is not used by any Purchase Order (note: you will not be able to delete a custom status if it is assigned to a Purchase Order)
Using a Custom Purchase Order Status
All non-obsoleted custom purchase order statuses will be available for use on a Purchase Order, as per fixed statuses, via the "Save" button:
A purchase order can transition freely between all the custom purchase order statuses until the order is Receipted.